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Believing is the beginning of the road to recovery.

For when we start to even try believe in ourselves;

in our ability, our talents our strenghts galore, we 

can be the person we wish and want to be.

I know this can be hard, it's by know means easy;

believe me: start trying and you'll see.

Sometimes we feel so sad that believing in 

ourselves seems absurd, almost impossible.

But then we meet a friend or two along the way,

those kind- hearted people with those beautiful

words to guide us along the right path once 

more, and suddenly everything seems fine.

For it's one of the hardest things in the world for

us to tell ouselves we are special and worth

something, but even believing that someone

else thinks this; is enough, a start.

And we will have those days, those horrible days

when we feel rotten about ourselves, when our

problems keep piling up and the situation seems

far worse than it actually is.


Take a step back

And smile.

Yes, smile.

Stretch those muscles up high to our cheekbones,

and even if we don't believe it, or perhaps don't 

want to, just try. Try to see the good in yourself

and eradicate those negative feelings.

And you will find those negative thoughts will still

remain and the skies still remain dark and gloomy.

Your smile now becomes a frown and you want 

to do nothing but give up, and you do.

And that's ok. 

But in the end we'll try again.

And again.

And again

Until we're blue in the face from trying,

Until finally something clicks deep inside us,

and we can now notice the beauty in ourselves

that everybody has been trying to show us. The

answer is right there, staring us happily in the face:


Belief in ourselves in what we are good at and what

we are yet to become good at, because really when

we think about it, it all boils down to these very words

that I was once told.

Even if you don't believe it, you're capable of it

And because your so capable of achieving anything

you set your mind to, you can quite quicky come to

the conclusion that you are worthless because

you are exceptional and can force yourself to believe

these negative thoughts you create. 

But think: what if we were to turn these negatives into 

positives and bring a little light into our darkness.

When we finally realise this we can begin to start living

and enjoy this life we were once surviving and struggling

to get through and come to terms with.

This my friends, is the most important thing for us to experience.

And when we begin to find this ounce of self belief our road can

only be a road of hope and understanding of life and it's

trials and tribulations.

Yes you will make mistakes, like me and everyone else in 

this world but remember:

Don't give into it, those bitter thoughts encircling our minds.

You are worth far more than that.

But if you do; so what?

Give a smile and try, try again 

because you can and have such a good belief 

in yourself that even the highest mountains can be climbed

because as we all will learn in time:

Believing is just the beginning.

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