Take pride in who you are

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Why is it that our trying never seems

good enough,

our successes a fluke

and our merits, meaningless?

And why is it our failings

come as such a hard blow

cracking our heart in two 

and destroying our

inner self.

Our selfbelief banished

in fear of vanity 

in a soeity where we've

come to fear taking pride 

in being who we are.

When the rain is pounding

and friends have left,

thunder is howlinng and all

good fortune is lost

Bend down amongst the

fringes of your soul 

and collect the fragments 

of your sufferings and the

forgotten happiness you

once knew.

Piece them together

one by one.

Each crack and

each splinter of

a broken life in it's

rightful place.

Stand back as 

the storm begins 

to cease and see 

clearly; youreslf for who

you really are.

Stare in pride

at what you've collected

and discover

what was wished to be unknown

but now is staring you 

proudly in the face.

Look beyond the crinkles

of heartache and deeper

to the truths of certainty.

The shards of discomfort

shaped your pride for you

allowed yourself a grin

of triumh as you gaze at



glistening, shimmering


shining in

it's splendour.

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