Chapter 1

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The U.S. Special Forces was an interesting career to say the least.

Castiel and Gabriel had met in a group home when they were kids and had followed each other from school playgrounds to battlefields ever since.

They had been in the army for just over a year before Lieutenant Colonel Sam Winchester approached them about joining Section 20. At the time, neither of them new what Section 20 was, but quickly discovered that it was top-secret Special Forces group that did not exist as far as the public was concerned.

That was two years ago.

"Sam, we've been a team for years and we've done hundreds of missions together, but with all due respect sir... this mission is just crazy." Castiel stated, staring at his boss who was sitting at the table across from him.

Less than 12 hours ago, him and Gabriel had been sitting by the beach in Costa Rica enjoying a much needed holiday when Sam Winchester had called and told them to come back in.

Long story short, an unknown group hijacked an American ship and stole something extremely valuable. Something so valuable that the Commissioner had ordered Sam to get his best team together because if they failed this mission it could lead to World War III.

"You guys are the best of the best and that is what I need. I know the stakes are high for this, probably as high as they can go, but you're the only ones I trust to get this job done." Sam replied, glancing between Castiel and Gabriel before looking over at Charlie who was their computer hacker or Specialist Technician as she preferred to be called.

"If we can't do this mission, then who the hell can? We're Section 20, there isn't much better than that." Gabriel commented, leaning back in his chair.

"If we're really doing this, then shouldn't we have more people than just the four of us?" Charlie asked, speaking up for the first time during the meeting as she looked up from her laptop.

"Yeah. I got another man. I just need to convince him to come back." Sam answered, opening up the folder in front of him.

It was Dean Winchester's old Special Forces profile.

Sam stared at the photo of his brother with a sigh.

Getting Dean to come back after what went down nearly six years ago wasn't going to be easy.

"Come back? So, he's retired?" Castiel asked in confusion.

"Kinda. A few years back a mission went horribly wrong... he- uh... he quit after that, refused to work for Section 20 and went off the grid." Sam explained, running his fingers through his hair as he thought back to that horrible time.

If he was Dean, he would have done the same thing and he sure as hell wouldn't come back if someone asked him to.

"If he's off the grid, then how are you going to find him?" Charlie asked.

"He's my older brother. I know where he is."

Sliding Deans file across the table towards his team, Sam stood up from his chair and walked out the room. Leaving his soldiers to read it while he went to retrieve his brother.

"Damn, Sam never said anything about having an attractive brother. I guess all Winchester men are hot." Gabriel muttered to himself causing Castiel to elbow him in the stomach. "Ouch! Oh, come on, like you weren't thinking the same thing."

"I was not thinking that."

"C'mon Castiel, even I can admit that this guy is good looking and I'm about as straight as a fruit loop." Charlie responded with a chuckle.

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