Chapter 25

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Dean had been in enough hospitals in his time to know exactly where he was before he even opened his eyes.

The recognizable smell of disinfectant and other strong chemicals that he didn't know the name of filled the air. Along with the familiar beeps and buzzes of medical equipment around him.

He was definitely in the hospital.

But, why?

The last thing he remembered was... what was the last thing he remembered?

He recalled infiltrating that abandon prison with Cas and Gabriel, but he couldn't remember anything after that. What the hell happened after that? Why was he even in hospital? Why couldn't he remember?

Taking a deep breath, Dean forced his eyes open. His eyelids felt like they were glued shut, but he managed to open them and squinted at the bright light in the room.

Swinging his legs over the bed, Dean stood himself and he looked around the empty hospital room.

He glanced down at himself, taking in the white shirt and pale blue hospital pants he was wearing that he definitely didn't remember changing into.

Seriously, what the hell happened?

Slowly, he stepped out of the hospital room and into the eerily quiet hallway. Not a single person in sight.

"Cas?" He called out, walking down the hallway. "Sam? Anybody?"

He stood there for a few seconds, expecting a nurse to walk around the corner or something, but all he was met with was silence.

Frowning in confusion he began to wander down the hallway. His right knee was a little sore, but it always was, so why was he in the hospital? He felt fine, he wasn't hurt or sick... what the hell happened?

He spotted a set of stairs further down the hallway and began to walk towards them and that's when he heard voices coming from downstairs.

Sighing with relief, Dean made his way down the stairs and reached what looked to be a reception desk where a woman with dark hair sat behind the counter.

"Hi." Dean said, walking up to the woman as she typed away on the computer. "I think I was in some kind of accident with my boyfriend and his brother. I just need to find them."

The woman didn't acknowledge him as she continued to type, completely ignoring him.

"Hello?" He said, but again nothing.

Lifting his hand, Dean clicked his fingers in front of her, trying to get her attention, but it was like he was completely invisible as she grabbed some documents, turning around and began filing them away.

What the fuck was going on?

Glancing around the hallway, there were a few nurses walking around, but they didn't even look twice at him or bat an eyelid to the fact that a patient was out of bed and standing in the middle of the hospital.

"Can anyone hear me?"


Okay, something was seriously wrong.

He spared one last look at the receptionist before he ran back up the stairs and down the hallway to his room, but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw himself lying on the hospital bed.

His body was attached to all different kinds of equipment and machines that Dean didn't even recognise. There was a giant tube in his mouth that he at least figured was oxygen as he stared at his body in disbelief.

His face was a mixture of bruises and cuts... hell, his whole body was just painted with them. His right knee was strapped up in some kind of cast and Dean didn't even want to think of what else was under the hospital clothes and blankets.

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