Chapter 9

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Dean and Cas spent most the day just lazing around the trailer.

They planted pumpkin seeds in Castiel's vegetable garden which was growing strong and hadn't died yet, to Deans shock. There were full grown tomato, cucumber and cabbage plants inside, but there was still a couple free rows that Castiel was saving for strawberries in the spring.

Dean had started work on the Impala again. It had been months since the crash, he should have started fixing her weeks ago, but better late than never.

He managed to fix the front windscreen and started working on the busted up side panel before the sun began to set and he realised that he had been working on Baby for most the afternoon. If Cas hadn't bought him out water and a sandwich, Dean wouldn't have remembered to eat at all.

"Need a lift to work tomorrow?" Castiel asked, crawling into bed.

"I can walk if you got plans." Dean shouted from the bathroom as he brushed his teeth.

"It's going to be raining tomorrow, you're not walking."

"A little rain never hurt anybody."

"Actually, you could get hyperthermia if you-" Castiel started to say before Dean cut him off.

"Figure of speech, Cas."

Dean rinsed his mouth, spitting in the sink before he walked back into the bedroom to find his boyfriend sitting up in bed with a book in his hands and Dean couldn't stop himself from smiling at the sight.

"I'm still driving you to work tomorrow." Castiel insisted, glancing up from his book as he watched Dean strip down to his boxers.

"Soon Baby will be fixed, so I promise you wont be my personal Uber driver for much longer." Dean informed, throwing his clothes in the general direction of the clothes hamper in the corner of the room.

"You missed the hamper." Castiel pointed out, looking over at the clothes on the floor but Dean just shrugged his shoulders causing Cas to roll his eyes. "I don't mind being your Uber driver. It's not like I have anything to do until Sam and Charlie get a lead on Alastair."

Dean didn't say anything, he just nodded, not wanting to think about Alastair before bed.

"Shit sorry, I didn't mean to bring it up... I wasn't thinking." Castiel quickly said, putting his book down as he looked over at Dean.

He shook his head as he crawled into bed, under the blankets, resting his head on Castiel's lap. "It's fine, sweetheart."

Castiel smiled softly, looking down at him as he ran his fingers through Deans hair before he trailed his fingers over the long scar down his back.

For a while neither of them said anything as Dean closed his eyes, Cas still tracing his finger along the scar on his back.

"You can ask." Dean whispered, his eyes still closed. "I know you're thinking about it."

"This scar... it's older than the others and it's the only one on your back. It wasn't from Alastair, was it?" Castiel eventually asked and Dean shook his head against Castiel's lap. "What happened?"

"My father."

"Your father?! What... what happened?" Cas questioned, the shock evident through his voice.

"Remember when I told you that my father walked in on me kissing another dude?" Dean asked, thinking back to that night.

His father wasn't meant to be home that early, but Sam had apparently gotten sick at school, so John had to pick him up and drop him off at home... but, Dean never heard the Impala pull up outside the motel room that they were living at the time.

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