Anger issues (DreamNapFound)

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Tw: Arguing, Mentions of Alcohol


"You complete asshole!" Sapnap shouted into the phone and quickly hung up. He sat down on the bed in defeat and glared at his phone.  His dad had just called him to declare how much of a failure he was and how their family was doing so much better without him. It was pretty clear he was drunk, but it still hurt to hear. Unlike some others, he didn't express hurt or sadness through tears, but through shouting or ripping something apart. That's thanks to his anger issues. On top of his father's disturbing phone call, he also woke up in a really bad mood to begin the day with. He was simply pissed.

He walked down the stairs heading toward the kitchen to grab something to eat. He searched through the pantry finding nothing he'd consider as good. As he continued to frantically search for food, his boyfriend, George entered the kitchen.

"Hey sap" He spoke as he poked his head through the pantry door. Sapnap only huffed in response and walked back to their room with a bag of chips, leaving a very confused George in the kitchen. He didn't think much of it and just continued to grab his water and head back to his office.

After a few hours, Sapnap walked out of their bedroom -still in a horrible mood- and down to the living room. Only to find his two boyfriends George and Dream cuddled up on the couch watching some horror movie. He just scoffed and walked into the kitchen again, still in search of food since chips weren't very filling. 

"Awh, are you jealous sappy?" George teased, referring to the not-so-subtle scoff. Dream laughed along with the brunet as their focus shifted from the TV to their conversation.           "God, do you ever shut up George?" Sapnap spoke, to which the boys on the couch just laughed more too. "No, I'm serious George, do you ever like stop talking? Your voice is fucking annoying and I hate it, just like I hate you!" He was practically yelling now and their laughs faded as they heard the genuine anger in his voice. 

"Wha- Sapnap calm down" George tried. "No, I'm fucking done being calm okay?!" Sapnap continued as he stepped into the living room again. "Sapnap!" Dream yelled and stood up from the couch. "Whatever" Sapnap growled and left the living room.

Dream sat back down and pulled George into a hug, even though he was practically fuming. He couldn't see why Sapnap would snap over such a harmless comment. Even though George wasn't crying or anything, it was pretty obvious he was taken back by the harmful words spoken to him. He had a blank expression plastered on his face as Dream pulled away and planted a kiss on the tip of his nose. "I'll go talk to him, just stay here okay?" Dream spoke reassuringly as George nodded.

Sapnap was sitting on the bed having his head rest in his hands. It was like the anger was drowned out of him when he saw the look on his lovers faces. Sure, he had the right to be angry, but he took it out on the wrong people -the people that actually cared. He felt hot tears stream down his cheeks and slipping onto his hands. Suddenly he felt a warm hand on his wrist. He removed his wet hands from his face and looked at the boy in front of him, Dream. He had a sympathetic look on his face as he caressed Sapnap's cheek. Which only made even more tears escape his eyes, the way that Dream still was there for him after an argument made him feel guilty for arguing in the first place. Sapnap had grown up with "Boys don't cry" and "Don't be so emotional", which taught him to push people away rather than seek support. 

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to I swear." Sapnap stuttered. 

"Hey, it's okay, what's going on?" Dream questioned and Sapnap explained why he was so mad and Dream reassured him that they were always there for him no matter what.

"Look Sapnap, I understand why you were mad, okay? But I'm not the one you should be apologizing to." And with that, they left the dark bedroom and went back into the living room. George was still on the couch mindlessly scrolling through Twitter. He put his phone down and looked at the two boys in front of him. He didn't look mad, and he wasn't, he was mostly worried about Sapnap and why he was so upset. 

"I'm so sorry George, I didn't mean anything I said, I was just angry and I took it out on you. I'm sorry" Sapnap spoke. "It's okay, I forgive you" George quickly replied with a smile. Sapnap leaned down and let his lips meet George's in a long genuine kiss. 

"I love you," Sapnap said quietly when they finally pulled away. "I love you too" 

It didn't take long before all three were once again cuddled up on the couch slowly drifting off to sleep in the warmth of each other's embrace.


<Wc: 861>

Sorry, the ending was a little rushed. Uno part 2 should be out in a couple of days dw

Every time I check this has gone up in reads, seriously thank you! Appreciate you all sm! <3

Hope you enjoyed the chapter! <3

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