Chapter 1

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The stars twinkled above me, barely visible through the tree's branches. I could hear strange noises in the distance, some sort of screeching. The breeze made my bed swing back and forth. The suspending ropes were creaking in the branches. The movement threw me off balance. I toppled over, landing on my face. I let out a cry. I wanted my mom. I felt arms wrap around me, and sit me back up. I looked for my mom but couldn't see her. A strange little creature was staring at me, tilting its head to see me better. It put a furry muzzle to my face and started licking my hair. I giggled. Suddenly it stopped and lifted its head into the air. It's little nose started twitching furiously. It looked at me again, an urgent sadness in its beady eyes. It seemed like it wished it could tell me something. Instead it perched on the top of my bed, letting out a screech as it spread it's black gleaming feathers. It took off into the night sky. Thousands answered it's call and the stars were swallowed in a shifting black hole...


My dream shattered like a broken mirror, moonlight blinding me, even through my eyelids.

"Nisha! Laziness is a disastrous trait. It will not get you anywhere in life. Now get up, it is time we begin."

I moaned in protest, shrieking when my nurse Elara pulled my blankets away from me.

"The full moon is in two days, Nisha. We still have much to practice if you wish to be ready for the ceremony."

"Alright, alright." I mumbled, throwing my legs over the side of my bed. I shivered as Elara dressed me, helping me with all of the belts and straps that went along with a training suit.

"Elara?" I said, wincing slightly as she tightened one of my belts.

"What is it?" She asked, not bothering with an apology.

"Does the night seem colder?" I said, shivering again. She stared at me, fear flashing in her eyes. Then she blinked and it was gone.

"No child. You are just missing the warmth of your bed. Now, hurry we must not disappoint the Queen like last time." She said, pushing me towards the door.

Like last time... The words stung, bringing to mind the look of disappointment on the Queen's face. She claimed to be my mother, although she was anything but. She hardly spoke to me. The people said she was kind and gentle, but each time I had seen her, her face was guarded. Her voice would turn to steel at the sight of me. Despite the title of her daughter, a princess of the kingdom of Moon, I was not in her good graces. Her other daughter, my sister was not to talk to me, but we would meet in secret.

"The full moon." I heard Elara say. "Nisha! Are you listening to me?" She scolded, pulling me from my memory.

"I'm sorry Elara." I told her. "I have my head in the clouds again."

"Well, come back to the forest. My goodness child, you are hopeless." She said, sighing in exasperation. Our conversations often went like this, so there was never much time for chit chat. By then we had reached the training clearing.

The moon had just risen, it's light casting a silver glow over the forest. The night

whistlers were shouting out loud passionate songs tonight, filling the forest with sweet music. I was about to comment on this, when I noticed we were not alone in the clearing. 

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