Chapter 4

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The guards looked startled as I entered, Elara in tow. They nodded but did not bow, I did not command that much respect. I made my way down the long hall, stopping as I reached the steps to the throne. I knelt on one knee, keeping my eyes down cast.

"Highness," I said, risking a glance up at her face. Her eyes met mine, and I saw annoyance, as well as curiosity. I looked back at the floor.

"I am sure your appearance here can be explained." She said cooly. I could feel her eyes resting on me. She gestured to rise. Elara and I stood.

"Queen Luna." Elara started. I heard her swallow before continuing. "I'm afraid the Princess and I have just seen a Hawbbit." There was a collective gasp from some of the royal advisors. The name did not sound familiar to me.

The Queen held her hand up for silence as many people started talking at once. Silently she rose from her throne.

"This meeting is adjourned. All of you are sworn to secrecy at what has been heard in this room. Elara, Nisha, come with me."

The Queen led us through a door behind the throne, which led to her private office. As the door closed behind us she spun around to face Elara.

"What do you think the two of you were doing out there!?" She said, her cool fasciae falling away.

Elara looked embarrassed, her eyes looking everywhere but at the Queen. She opened her mouth to speak, but the Queen was not done.

"Do you know the panic that you have caused!" The Queen continued. I kept my mouth shut, afraid to face this sudden outburst of rage.

"I am sorry, my Queen." Elara said, still avoiding her gaze. "I-"

"How can you even be certain of what you saw!?" The Queen interrupted her. "Rumors will get out! Someone will tell! Someone always does! You have to fix this! You-"

"No." I heard myself say. Elara and the Queen both turned to look at me. They both looked startled, like they had forgotten I was there.

"What did you say?!" Queen Luna said, turning her anger towards me.

"I said, no." I repeated, raising my eyes to make eye contact. "Hawbbits, have not been seen in the Haven in over 1,000 years, correct?" I asked. The Queen nodded once. "There is only one that can understand their language, correct?" The Queen nodded again.

"I see where you are going with this." The Queen said, continuing to nod slightly. "We must ask Lady Jemima at once." She added. Then turning to Elara said, "Have the Stable boy ready the chariot." 

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