Chapter 3

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I paused before the doors. Elara paused behind me, letting me gather myself. She was used to this. I always paused before I went into the throne room, but this time was different. Every time before I had been summoned by the Queen. This was the first time I was coming in unannounced. I was about to suggest that her Majesty was busy and shouldn't be disturbed when Elara started speaking.

"Nisha," She started, her voice taking on the scolding tone that I knew well. "I know you are terrified of your mother, but she needs to hear of this immediately."

"Why can't you tell her!?" I said, turning away from the imposing doors to face her.

"Child, that creature that you just saw has not been sighted in a thousand years! You're an eye-witness. The...the timing of it's appearance could threaten the well being of the entire kingdom."

Her words made me pause. I stepped away from her and gazed up at the massive doors to the throne room. It's surface was covered in ancient carvings, some in languages that were long forgotten. It was magically engraved with the entire history of the Elvin people. It was always shifting, millennia of history playing on repeat. My eyes fell to rest on the scroll of heroes. The great leaders and saviors of our race had been put there, their names forever remembered. The ancient names gave me courage.

I glanced back at Elara, who had been watching me curiously. I gave her a single nod, then squared my shoulders and pushed open the doors. 

Cottonwoods at TwilightNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ