CHAPTER 13: Fleet Reassignment Part 2

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Now I was with Fubuki in the restaurant while we waited for our ice creams alone, alone and alone.

Fubuki: (sigh) ...

At that Mamiya comes to our table with our ice creams.

Mamiya: (Handing out our ice creams) Here you go. (She looks at us) And the other two that are with you?

Fubuki: (Faking a smile) Your new fleets are having a welcome party.

Mamiya: I see. (Looks at Coventry) Well Coventry, cheer up too. Yes?

Me: Generally this type of situation would not affect me, but I don't know why, but I feel very devastated and very tired.

Without a doubt it was the first time I felt this way and I don't know why I felt this way.

Me: (Could it be the female hormones that make me feel bad? No, I think it's because of fatigue, then I go to sleep, I need to rest and reorganize my thoughts.)


The door of the restaurant opens and Akagi enters, at that, Fubuki's morale increases up to 10000% and he begins to smile from ear to ear.

Fubuki: ¡ Akagi-sempai!

Akagi: (Speaks to Mamiya) Please could you bring me the ice cream that I always eat.

Mamiya: Understood, so a special ice cream.

Mamiya returns to the kitchen and Akagi walks over to our table.

Akagi: Hi Fubuki (Looks at Coventry) And Coventry? (She worries) What happened to you? It looks like you're dead.

Coventry: (shakes her hand) It's nothing serious, just that I'm tired and I need food high in sugar to recover.

Akagi: (sighs in relief) Good thing, I thought your blood pressure had collapsed. By the way, can I sit with you?

Me: No problem for me.

Fubuki: It would be an honor, Akagi-sempai.

Akagi sits in the chair at our table and starts talking.

Akagi: I have heard from Kaga, that you are in the same fleet.

At that, Fubuki stops and begins to speak as if she were narrating a report to a commander.

Fubuki: Yes! I am honored to serve in the same fleet as an aircraft carrier!

Akagi: Are you okay? Kaga told me that it bothered her to be in the same fleet as the 5th Carrier Division.

In that Fubuki forces an uncomfortable laugh, in that Mamiya brings the ice cream for Akagi and Fubuki begins to tell what happened to Akagi while we eat ice cream.

Akagi: I see, so that happened.

Fubuki: I can't imagine how this fleet would work. What will the commander think?

(NT: Remember that Fubuki refers to the admiral as commander.)

I was listening carefully, maybe Akagi's advice will help me to apply to my fleet.

Me: (After all, my rank as a destroyer is useless against aircraft carriers and battleships. In short, my authority is nil.)

Akagi (Thoughtful) I don't know, but maybe it has to do with operation "FS".

Fubuki: (Doubtful) Operation FS?

Me: FS? Is it any major operation? We didn't know about that.

Akagi: Yes, it is the official name of the counterattack operation that started earlier, we are going to divide and neutralize the sea lanes between two large Abyssal bases in the southwest, if we do it it is likely to know where the Abyssal come from and what they want or that's what they told me. But for the operation to work, we must train ourselves to resolve any situation that comes our way.

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