The Black Wolf

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After school, the four girls stayed in school to find out the facts about the Black Knight. A 15-year old boy named Cody Verne came by along with his friend Lance Moby. "Hey, girls, what are y'all doing?" said Cody. "We're just studying about the Black Knight." said Alice. "Can we join y'all?" asked Cody. "Heck, yeah." said Alice.

Cody and Lance joins Alice and her friends to study about the Black Knight, they also joined their quest to find out.

"Do you guys want to go exploring at the forest with us?" asked Ginger. "Sure thing." said Lance.

Alice and her friends went to the forest to explore, they bring their tents, camping supplies, their bookbags, and their library books about the medieval and the Black Knight.

While they were setting up their tents, and the campfire, Alice, Cody, and Natasha started exploring around the forest while the others are around the campfire.

Alice walks to the right path, while exploring. She sees a black wolf right behind her, she started hallucinating. She started breathing fast, her heart pounded fast, and she started to panic.

Natasha finds her hallucinating and panicking. "Alice, what's wrong? What did you see?" asked Natasha, deeply concerned.

Alice passes out on the ground, Natasha tries to wake her up, but to no avail."Alice, are you OK? Alice, answer me. Guys, something's wrong with Alice, she passed out. Oh god, Alice!" said Natasha, extremely worried and concerned.

Alice's friends came by to find her passed out. "Oh my god, get her some water or something." said Lance.

This Evening... Alice wakes up in one of the tents, with Natasha sitting next to her while watching her.

"Are you alright?" asked Natasha. "Yeah, I started having a panic attack and had a hallucination." said Alice. "What happened when you had a hallucination and started panicking?" asked Natasha. "I saw a black wolf that I had a dream about." said Alice. "You saw a black wolf?" said Natasha. "In my hallucination, yes." said Alice, thinking. "Gosh, I feel so bad for you." said Natasha. "I know you're worried about me, but I'm OK now." said Alice. "I know." said Natasha.

The Secrets of the Black Knight (Book 1 of Alice Cowley)Where stories live. Discover now