19 2 0

So, It's been a fun loving 19 years with my Husband Draco, after we got married, we lived a month at my parent's house then we bought ourselves a home near Malfoy Manor so Draco could visit his mother often as Narcissa has now divorced Lucius as she found out about him cheating on her, but she had forced him to let her keep the Manor for her and whenever Draco comes to visit.

Now I'm standing at Platform 9 ¾ at the London Train Station saying goodbye to our one and only child Scorpius.

Draco: Now Scorpius remember what your mother told you.

Scorpius: Yes, I'll owl you after I get placed into a house, Do you think I'll be put in Slytherin or Gryffindor?

Julia: Don't worry Scorpius even though Draco was put in Slytherin and I was put in Gryffindor, the sorting hat can take your thoughts in account if you think of the house, you truly want to be in

Scorpius: Thanks Mummy

Draco: Julia Darling our friends have arrived, hey Harry, Ron, Hermione and Ginny

Harry/Ron/Hermione/Ginny: Hey Guys


Hermione: Come on kid's time to go.

Rose Weasley/Albus Potter: Bye

Julia: Come on Scorpius time to go.

Scorpius: But Mummy, I'm too scared.

Draco: I'll handle this Darling.

Julia: Ok Darling

Draco: It's going to be ok son, like mum said the sorting hat will take your thought of your house into account and don't worry about being lonely and not making friends because sometimes the people you meet on the train will straight away will become your best friends and you already know Rose and Albus, so don't worry, you'll be fine, but if there's any worries you have, just owl us and we will answer straight away.

Scorpius: Thanks Daddy, I'll miss you both.

Julia: We'll mis you too Son, now run along.

Scorpius: Ok Mummy, bye Mummy and Daddy

Julia/Draco: Bye Scorpius Darling

So, we gave Scorpius a big hug and a kiss we watched him leave and sit in a compartment on the train with Rose Weasley and Albus Potter and we watched the train move down the track with Harry, Ginny, Ron and Hermione waving goodbye to our kids.

Julia: He'll be alright, won't he Honey.

Draco: Don't Worry Julia, he'll be alright.

Julia: Be he'll probably be made fun of because of what's happened to the Malfoy Family Name

Draco: Don't worry Honey, he's going to be fine.

Julia: Alright, Darling

Draco: Come Here Julia

Julia: Thanks Draco

So I gave Draco a big hug then we walked off to the carpark to head back to the house and 2 weeks later we got an owl from Scorpius saying he got put in Gryffindor and has been best friends with Rose Weasley and Albus Potter since the train ride and has never left their side, which calmed Julia and Draco down as since Scorpius was little he was always very timid, but Draco and Julia was hoping Hogwarts was going to change that, which it did and Draco and Julia have been living a fantastic life with no worries since they got married.


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