06 | ignoring the 3d

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the 3d is consisted of your past thoughts and is a reflection of your imagination. it's like a projector, in a sense, because whatever is going on inside will be projected on the outside.

yes i've already stated that but the mind learns through repetition so i will repeat as much as needed. sometimes we don't pick up on things nor comprehend them the first time. which is why i would ALWAYS suggest re-reading and or re-listening; especially about the law. so do not be surprised if i repeat things a lot throughout this book. the law is SIMPLE so you will have to expect answers that tie in with eachother. thank you for coming to my ted talk.

if you have ever watched just one video or spent any time researching the law, then you may have heard of people telling you to ignore the 3d. ignore it because it doesn't serve you any good by acknowledging it. but how do you ignore the 3d when you're living in it?

exactly. you can't. you can't ignore the 3d. that's impossible, because you still have to carry on throughout your days as normally.

what people mean to say (i hope or they don't know what they're talking about, lmao) is that you cannot be reacting to the 3d. ignoring and reacting are different, yes. whoever said you need to ignore the 3d reality is insane, enough said.

reacting to the 3d is a huge no when it comes to consciously manifesting. for one, why are you even reacting when you should know by now that it is only consisted of your past thoughts. and for two, you're literally in the process of changing it. so honestly what is the purpose?

reacting does not do you nor anybody any good. it will only delay your manifestation, to a certain extent. i'll explain this.

when you react to the 3d it's more than likely coming from a place of lack. and we don't deal with the feeling of lack here. now a lot of coaches will tell you that you ruined your manifestation by reacting which is just crazy. you cannot ruin anything, you're god. the only thing possible in a negative manner is delaying it, but it's a little more complicated than that. yes reacting can and will delay your manifestation if you dwell in the state of lack and the 3d being more real than your imagination, but if you are just having an off day it's okay. just don't dwell in the state of lack and nothing will be delayed.

well how do you allow yourself to have an off day without dwelling in the state of lack?

if you really just need a few hours or a day to take a break then it is okay. you're still having a human experience and your manifestation isn't going to go anywhere. it'll still be here. waiting patiently on you.

but if you do not want to fall back into the victimized state any longer, then this is what you can do. realize you are having a moment. notice that you're starting to react. instead of beating yourself up over it, comfort yourself. let yourself know that it is okay and that you are still in full control. nothing can hurt you nor take away your manifestation. assure yourself that what it is you want is already yours and nothing can change that.

realize that it is okay to feel your emotions. if you need to cry, then allow yourself to cry. if you need to be angry then allow yourself to be angry. your feelings/emotions will not, i repeat, will not delay your manifestation.

whenever i have a "human experience" i like to look at it in a positive manner. i used to hate the idea of feeling down and thought it ruined any chance of my manifestation coming. i thought that i would have to start all over again. this is a terrible limiting belief to carry. but i changed that belief and while sometimes the limiting belief likes to try to claw its way back to the surface, i assure myself that it is okay. i'm human. it doesn't hurt anything.

so whenever i need to cry, i allow myself to cry. i allow myself to feel what i need to feel. because the way i see it is that i am letting the old story out. i'm crying out the doubts and fears. i'm crying out the old story and healing. things need to come up in order for them to be let go. the more you push them down and try to ignore them, the more it's going to hurt you. and the longer it's going to stick around.

what you resist, persists.

when i first got into the law of attraction, i was told that i was not allowed to feel anything except happiness and joy. this is a lie. it's a limiting belief. and i do not want any of you believing such a terrible assumption. because if you believe this, then it will be true for you. this is why i advise staying away from loa all together. it truly did hurt me in the long run.

besides, it is humanly impossible to stay positive and happy 24/7. it's also not healthy for you. the goal in this isn't to feel happy it's just to feel as if what you desire is already yours and to persist in that assumption.

the law of assumption taught me that feelings/emotions do not affect your manifestation. now while they may indicate what state you're in or what is on your mind, they DO NOT mess up your manifestation. because it's your thoughts that create, right?

if you need to let your emotions flow, then allow them to flow. don't hold them in. but in the process, do not let your thoughts spiral. do not react to the 3d. you have the ability to control what you think so use that to your advantage.

whenever i need to cry i do so but also comfort myself. i let myself know it is okay and everything is still under my control. i am a crybaby, lmao. so this is helpful for me. i even affirm for my manifestation sometimes when i'm upset. because in the end it's your thoughts that create, not your emotions. and honestly it helps get me out of this state and feeling good again. i hope you guys can use this to your advantage as well. don't let yourself spiral. you have the ability to control it.

you control your thoughts,
they don't control you.

now if you have reacted to the 3d, it is okay! just hop back up and keeping going. but think about it,, there is no reason for you to be reacting to the way the 3d is now because you are changing it. you and only you have the power to change it. nothing can get in your way except yourself.

the more you react the longer it is going to take for your manifestation to show up in the 3d.

the more meaning you attach to the 3d, the longer it is going to STAY. stop attaching meaning to it. stop believing the 3d. it's not real. whenever you look to the 3d, take it as information. it is portraying to you what you are playing in your mind. do not react to it but instead take it as info and continue working on yourself. the 3d cannot change until you change your assumptions, inner conversations, beliefs, your thoughts! it's all your thoughts. change your thoughts and watch the 3d conform.

live your life everyday as if you already have your desire and don't let anything throw you off your game. the 3d will change. it has no choice but to conform to your thoughts; to your state.

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