chocolate pancakes

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"everyone almost saw you guys, but like the best bestfriend i am, i distracted them!" sasha says proudly

"oh.." i reply to her nervously

"okay, now tell me what the kiss was like." she asks me impatiently

"what do you mean how it was like..?" i ask her

"like the feeling, did he go slow, fast? was it good? does he know how to kiss? i know it was your first kiss so i want it to be perfect, and that.. was not so perfect." sasha says bombarding me with questions

"it was slow, but he does know how to kiss, probably because he's been with a lot of girls. but, i did feel a bit disappointed." i tell her laying back down staring at the ceiling, getting flashbacks and blushing

"what! why!" sasha asks me whisper screaming

"shut up! i dont know, i just wanted my first kiss to be more honest, and not just to stop some dude from hitting on me.." i tell sasha

"oh.. did he say anything before he kissed you?" sasha asks me, laying next to me, facing me, & putting one of her arms on me. kinda like cuddling

"yeah.. he said "don't freak out." i respond to her

"hmph.. let me show you what cuddling feels like so you're prepared for when 'ooo mister jeager' cuddles you!" sasha says, getting on top of me, almost squashing me

"sasha, he'll never cuddle me, you're also squashing me." i tell her, trying to push her off

"ehh.. you never know. i'm tired night bestie." sasha says slowly drifting to sleep.

"goodnight." i reply to her laying down comfortably


"kasa wake up!! i'm hungry, and you know i can't cook!" sasha says shaking me awake

"braus.. let me sleep." i say turning away from her, trying to fall back asleep again

"nu-uh! i'm pulling you outta bed!! connie already left, it's 10:34am!" sasha tells me, successfully pulling me outta bed

"fine.. i'll make you something, what do you want?" i ask her getting up to brush my hair

"hmm, pancakes! the ones with chocolate!!" sasha says walking out of my room to go wake up eren.

"hey dude, mikasa's making pancakes." sasha says hitting him with a pillow

"what the fuck." eren says waking up to the sudden action, putting his hands over his head to protect himself

"kasa makes the best pancakes so you better eat them!" sasha tells him, not hitting him anymore

"kasa where are you!" sasha says yelling at me

"i'm in the kitchen dumbass!" i yell back, putting the pancake batter on the hot pan.

"ahh, okay, tell me when the food is done!" sasha yells again, sitting on the couch, putting on some weird cartoon


"food is done bitches!" i yell at both eren & sasha, walking out of the kitchen into the bathroom to brush my teeth

"hurry up, dude." sasha tells eren, throwing another pillow onto him

"what's up with you and pillows?" eren asks getting up

"hey kasa! after we're done eating, let's all go shopping!" sasha yells at me, stuffing pancakes down her throat.

"you're crazy." i reply walking out of the bathroom, passing them, walking to the living room to clean up the mess connie and eren left

i again, wrote this at 3am

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