Chapter 43

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Taylor's P.O.V
I was randomly meeting fans. Then this chick comes up to me and asks for picture. I let her have her picture then she says "meet me behind the stage after your meet and greets" "okay?" I agree. I really don't care.
After the meet and greets, I meet that girl behind the stage. "Hey Tay" she says. "Hello.." "Stacy" she tells me. "Okay, what do you need?" I ask getting closer. "This" she says and kisses me. I put my hand on her waist to push her back put she wrapped her arms around my neck. Damn, she is strong. "What the fuck are you dong?" I ask pushing her away. "Kissing you. Isn't that what you want?" She asks. "Not from you, whore." I snap. "What do you mean?" She asks innocently. "I have a girlfriend! Have you never noticed that?" I say. "Ha, oh McKenna? Right? Well, I think I'd be a better girlfriend." She says Wrapping her arms around my neck and lifting her leg. "Oh, HELL NO!" I say and push her off me.
I walk away and see everyone in the green room looking at Ravens phone.
"WHAT THE HELL IS THIS??" Allie yells at me with Ravens phone in hand. "I can explain" I say. "Please do."
I tell every one what happened. "I still don't believe you." Raven says. "Me either!" All the girls say.
"No, I think Taylor is telling the truth." Matt says. All the guys agree.
McKenna's P.O.V
I stare at the picture of Taylor and another girl smooching it out. I have been in a random room with a bunch of Pokemon stuff In it. I locked the door so no one can see me like this.
I hear a knock on the door. I go and open the door to see all the O2L guys. "Just the boys I need to see." I say giving a small fake smile.
"So, show me the pic." Conner says. I give him the phone. He stares at it for a minute then Rickey takes it. You can see the red anger rise in his face.
I hear a knock on the front door. I walk through the living room and see Taylor and the guys. Taylor walks closer to me and I step back. "McKenna?" He says. "What?" I snap. "Please?" He says coming to hug me. I sniffle "no" "babe" he says. "Don't call me that." I say. This is Blake all over again.
The girls Rush in and hug me. Then the o2L guys come. "Get away from her" Conner says trying to calm down but he is still red in the face. All the O2L guys stand behind me.
"Guys you know it was an accident! A girl forced him!" Nash says. "That's not what the picture showed us!" Raven says. "Well, you took the damn picture what did YOU see?" Cam snaps. I've never seen him snap at any girl except for Megan and I understand that.
"I saw her arms around his neck and his hands on her waist!" Raven yells.
"I was pushing that chick off" Taylor yells.
That's when Conner dives for Taylor. Shit. Here we go again.
Conner punches Taylor in the nose. Then tackles him. Hmmm. I wonder where we experienced this... Let's see TAYLOR AND BLAKE.
"Okay! Enough. By the picture I saw that you two were kissing and she was really pretty. I understand if you didn't want to date me anymore. I'm fine. I'll quit Magcon and go back to Dallas and live my life there. Okay? I'm not worth it and not as pretty as some girls. I really hope you and that girl work out. Bye Taylor. And if you want to still be friends Im okay with that. Bye Taylor." I say letting a tear or two fall down my face.
"McKenna, I don't want to be friends! I want you and only you! I'm sorry. It was a picture out of context. Please! Believe me! I love you" he says. "I love you too Taylor. But we are friends okay?" I say. "You believe me right?" He says motioning to everyone else. "I saw what was in the picture and I saw you kissing another chick than McKenna. So I'm on her side." Rickey says and the rest of O2L agrees. "I saw you kissing a girl and you wern't stopping. So, bye." Raven says and the girls Agree. "Fine. Well, Taylor can lie a little. I think he is telling the truth, because when he really loves something he never lets it go" Cam says and the guys agree. "Well, then Bye!" Kiersen says. "I'm not joining yall on the tour. Bye!" Allie says. "Me either!" Raven and Macie say.
"You guys don't have to do that" I say. "Yes, we want to" They say.
I walk back to my room and the only person I let in is Conner.
Hours later, I am still crying into Conner. "Conner, I'm sorry. If you wanna go you can." I sniffle. "No, this is the one place I need to stay." He says. "Thanks Conner. I missed you." I say. "I missed you too." He says.
I seriously fricken cried making this!!😭😭 I hate doing this. But we need some drama for your llama!!!🙈😂👏😏
Love ya!😘

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