Chapter 50

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Taylor's P.O.V

-1 week later-

"Um, Mr.Sanders?" I ask stepping into his hotel room. "Yes, Taylor?" he says. "You know how McKenna's Birthday is coming up?" i say. "haha, yep." He says. "I wanted to throw a BIG party for her, since it's her birthday." I say sitting on the opposite bed. "That's a great idea! What should we do? It's in 3 days!" he says. "Well, I was thinking you take her out for the day, while the guys and I set up the party. I know it's clechie, but she likes it when I act cheesy." I explain. "That's great! Oh, and could I tell you someting?" he says. "Yes sir." I say.

"I was planning to keep this a secret. Me and her mother are dating again. We were planning on telling her on her birthday." he says. "Wow, she said that you and her mother divorced." I say. "She told you that?" he asks. "is that bad?" I ask nevously.

I know he is in the Military. I can beat the shit out of anyone, but he scares the shit out of me. Isn't that supposed to happen? Like, the girls dad scared the shit out of the boyfriend.

"No, that means she really trusts you. Like, REALLY REALLY trusts you." he says. "Wow, I never thought she would trust me with something she never told her best friends." I say.

"Okay, back to the party. What time does the party start?" he asks. "Oh, 8" I say. "Easy enough." He says.

-3 days later-

McKenna's P.O.V

"Hey McKenna. Lets go have a day together, for birthday." my dad asks. "Okay." I say and get up off my bed. I put on my sweatpants, my playoffs shirt,Nike running shoe, and put on my glasses. I pick up my phone and money, my dad might forget his wallet again.

"Okay, Let's go." i say. We go out the door.

-5 hours later-

"Thanks for the shopping day dad" I say. "No Problem sweetie. Now, go put on the $150 dress." he says sarcasticly. "Why?' I ask. " Reasons" He says. "This better not be a party." i say.

I go up to my room. I put on the strapless coral dress with gold sequins on the top. I walk out and already see my dad in a tux. "Oh shit." i say. "Hey." he says. "Daadd, I'm 18 now. I'm an adult." I say. " Hell no. You are still my babygirl." he says. "Haha, okay." I say.

He leads me to his car. "Here you go. Your limo." he says. "Haha, so fancy." I say.

-skipping the car ride-

We get to Raven's house? "Your party princess." my father says. "Nice." I say. I walk up the walk way to her house, I look up and see the draw that Raven has behind her house.

I walk in and see Jack J. standing there. "Hey Jackie. Where's the party?" I ask giving a little dance. "Haha, here. " he says and hands me a note.

Dear McKenna,

Welcome to the Scavenger hunt.

Clue #1: Go to the place where you leave your secrets and watched your favorite Horror movie

"Shitnuggets." I say and go to Raven's basement.

Then I see Jack G. downstairs. "Hey ass." I say. "Hey, here." he says. Exactly like Jack J.

Dear McKenna,

That first clue was kinda easy.

Clue #2: Go to the place you steal most of Raven's magazines in a box

"Great." I say and go to the mail box and see Aaron. "A-rod. What up?" "Hey, Here." Exactly like the Jacks. They are scripted. Ugh!

Dear McKenna,

That was easy too. I'm bad at these.

Clue #3: Go to me place you absoutly love.

The Kitchen. i go to the kitchen and see Carter. "Car-tah!" "Hey here" "Shit stop doing that." I say.

Dear McKenna,

I see you love clothes. You went on a whole day with your dad for CLOTHES?!?

Clue #4: Go to the place you borrow most of Raven's shit.

Her closet, not the kitchen, cause I'm alredy here! I go to the closet and see Raven and Cam making out. "ah, I see. Have sex in a closet on my birthday." I say. "Shut up. Here." Cam says.

Dear McKenna,

This is your last clue.

Clue #5: You and Raven go on the most adventures here. You also got clumsy and got poison Ivey and you cut your leg so bad you needed stiches.

The Draw. "Oh Shit" i say.

I walk down to the draw and see all the guys and my family. "Happy birthday!" they yell. "You assholes. Except mom, twins, and especilly Dad. You guys got me going out of my mind" I say.

"I'm impressed that you knew that I steal Raven's magazines, that me and my dad went shoping and my clumslyness down here" I say. We walk up to the house again to have a "Pool Party" when my parents and siblings left.

Raven and I go up to her room and I see Allie on the bed. "OMG! Allie!!" I say and she gets up. We hug. "I thought you went back to North Carolina!" I say. "Haha, Nash said your birthday was coming up and I couldn't miss my best frined birthday! Plus, its time to spend with Matt without crazy fangirls." She says.

I go down to the pool and Taylor is there with a big pink box. "Happy Birthday Babe. Hope you like it." He says and hands me the box.

I open the box and inside it has a note.

My beautiful princesess, would you like to come stay at a castle with your prince?

I look up at Taylor. I nod my head. I jump into his arms and kiss him.

He kisses back, as you know. Sparks fly. It's like a firework show up in here.

I have found My Magcon Hero....


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