Chapter 46

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"Hey, McKenna? Wanna see a movie?" Taylor asks me. "Yea! What movie?" I ask. "Pshh, like I know." He says and grabs my hand.
We get to the theaters and we see X-Men: Days of the Future. Taylor wants to see the actual movie, I just wanna see Jennifer Lawrence act in a movie other than The Hunger Games😹
-After the movie-
We were driving back to the hotel and we stopped at a red light. Taylor takes my hand and Buckwild comes on. "Fuck my life" I say.
The light turns green and Taylor pulls out then a white truck comes our way.
"TAYLOR!" I yell and Then it goes Black.
Taylor's P.O.V
McKenna and I were driving back to the hotel from the movies and I stop at a light. I grab McKenna's hand and BuckWild comes on. "Fuck My life." She says. The light turns green and I pull out. Then, I hear McKenna scream, "TAYLOR!" And something hits us.
I wake up and see a cast on my arm. I turn around and see a solid white room. "He's up!" Someone yells and a doctor comes in. There is a pounding on my head.
"Hello, Mr. Caniff. How are you?" The doctor says. "I have a head ache and my arm hurts." I say. "Well, your okay. You broke your arm and you have a bruise on your shoulder." He says. "What happened?" I ask.
"You and your girlfriend were in a Major car crash. She is not doing too good." The doctor says. Then everything comes back to me. The white truck, the window cracking and McKenna scream "TAYLOR!" And that's the last thing I heard.
"You both passed out and you wouldn't let go of her hand. And during your coma, you kept saying McKenna." He continues. "That's her name. When can I see her?" I ask. "Tommarrow. You can get out and see her." He says and leaves.
"Oh my god! Taylor! Thank god you are awake. I was just over at McKenna's room. And she looks absolutely horrible." Cam says coming into my room. "Oh my god. I did this!" I say. "No you didn't. It was that drunk driver." Nash says entering the room. "No." I say.
-1 week later-
It's been a week since the car crash. I haven't left McKenna's side. I see she has a busted head. She had to get stitches snd she has a dislocated knee.
I look in the mirror and I see bags and tears stained my cheeks.
I go and sit by McKenna, "McKenna, I don't know if you can hear me, but I miss you. I miss your touch, I miss your beautiful blue eyes, I miss your smile. I miss you. I know I have made mistakes and I am absolutely imperfect. I need you. I'm slowly breaking with out you. Please I need you. Don't leave me." I say tears threatening to spill.
I leave I just need time. I walk out to the waiting room to see everyone with tears on their face. "Taylor?" Raven asks getting up. I shake my head. She comes up and hugs me.
"You okay man?" Cam says. "No," I say and a tear slips down my face.
Then, a doctor comes "McKenna Sanders?" He says. I turn around and all the boys get up. "I'm her boyfriend" I say. "She is..." And a tear slips down my face.
You like the cliff hanger? What do you think happened to McKenna? Comment?
Love ya!😘

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