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In The Selection their is really no rich and poor, and low, middle, high classes. There are caste. The casts are like your money ranked among other people. Quoted throughout the book is, "Casts are like your name, they are used to announce you." The main character America Singer is a Five, she is in love with a Six, but must date a One. Which one will she choose?

If you are a One you are royalty or are directly related to them. A Two is like the rich of the rich. They are usually models and can pay out of the draft (military collection of young men). Threes are still rich but heading more for middle class. There jobs are usual teachers ( they could also pay out of the draft). Fours are middle class. They aren't poor or rich they just have enough money to support the family and once in a while to on a nice trip. Their jobs are typically farmers. Fives are always struggling with money. The main character America Singer and her family are Fives. There are never seconds, and they rarely have enough money for Christmas presents. The jobs for Fives are singers ,musicians or artists (painting or sculpting). Sixes are kind of poor. They are one or the two casts that go to a public school. There is also never enough food to go around. Their job professions are maids or cleaning people that are underpaid. Sevens are poor and hardly ever have houses. They don't really have jobs other than mining. They are also required to go to public schools. Eights are so poor that they don't have any homes. They live in old broken down buildings. Eights are usually criminals or runaways.

In The Selection America falls in love with a Six and then he calls it off. America enters The Selection with a broken heart and a loathing for both Aspen (her ex boyfriend) and Maxon the 'bachelor' of the Selection. Maxon is the prince of Illea the country they all live in. He and his family are Ones. America is the main character and her family are Fives, but her sister is a Four because she married a Four. So, if America would marry Aspen the Six then she would be a Six. If she would marry Maxon she would be the queen of Illea and a One. The Selection is about America and who she chose, either Maxon or Aspen. Will she be a One or Six?

America gets her heart stolen by a six, who calls it off, and dates a One. The casts are a huge part in defining everyone in The Selection. Are you rich or poor, a One or Eight?

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