#3 fanfiction

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This story takes place in the future, after the Selection series. In this story America and Maxon will be attacked by the Southern Rebels during breakfast.

I woke up to sunlight streaming into my room. Marlee must have just opened my curtains. I sat up slowly, not wanting to hurt my surprise. I got out of my bed and walk into my bathroom. My bath was already flowing. Marlee walked in with a bow.

"Good morning, Princess."

I sighed. "Call me America, I hate it when people call me 'Princess!'"

She chuckled. "But you are a princess." She paused. "And my friend."

I rolled my eyes and went into my bath.


I had on a pink strapless dress with ripples down the front. In my opinion, my cutest dress. Maxon walked down the hallway and whistled. I blushed and we walked, hands linked, down the hallway and into the dinning room.

"Hello Princess America, Prince Maxon," said a guard as we walk past.

We both nodded in a response and continue walking. When we entered the humongous dining room, I was blown away as I was every time I woke up in the castle and walked around. Its size and beauty was beyond me. Especially the gardens. Ever since I arrived at the castle the gardens have been my place. Well, mine and Maxon's.

We sat down in the thrones like chairs at the head of the table. As soon as we sit down, maids and butlers flooded into the dinning room with amazing smelling food. They set down the platters in front of us and we dug in. The eggs and bacon were heaven, but the pancakes were the best.

The second I finished my food and stood to leave shouting filled the halls outside the huge oak doors.

I swore under my breath and ran for the windows with Maxon right on my heels. We yanked down the curtain after curtain. Soldiers protected the doors and now the windows. Maxon and I are also surrounded by guards.

I started to shake and Maxon was so close to me that he noticed and whispered words of encouragement and comfort. I'm not usually scard kind of person but it hit me how easily the rebels could kill us while we were in here. I fell to the floor and Maxon followed. Slowly, I relaxed in Maxon arms.

It must have be hours that I was asleep in his arms and would have been longer but a maid woke us up. "Princess America, Prince Maxon, wake up. You should go to your rooms, it will be safer."

I looked around. The curtains are back up and the sky is dark. We nodded and started off to our rooms.

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