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The theme in The Selection is don't judge a book by its cover. When America first saw Maxon she hated even the thought of being in the room as him (Cass,2012,43). All she wanted was Aspen, definitely not Maxon, but when she gets to the palace and meets Maxon slowly she realizes that Maxon is really nice and caring but she doesn't like him the way he likes her. They agree to be friends and slowly she starts to think that they could be more then friends. The theme in The Selection is don't judge a book by and it is applied throughout the book.

Once America arrives at the palace she screams at the prince, Maxon (Cass,2012,48). She does this because she is homesick and doesn't want to be at the palace. She runs out to the gardens, in her nightgown, and the prince asks her she is okay.She responds by shouting at him. The next day, when she sees him again he calls her out in front of the other girls at breakfast and makes a bet with her( Cass, 2012,134). Eventually, she finds out that she lost and had to go on a date with him. That meant that America was the first girl to go on a date with him. They go back out to the gardens and he tries to kiss her. She thinks that he wanted more so she knees him in the groin. Slowly, she begins to like him a little more then friends should. Finally, she admits to him that she likes him(Cass,2012,225). It is the. That she realizes that her first impression about him was wrong.

When America first found out that she was picked to be in the Selection she was horrified. She also hated to even think about being in the same room as Maxon, but she was also a little happy about going. She would be helping her family with the money they got paid for her to be in it and she thought this might make Aspen jealous. She judged Maxon to harshly by just looking at him. She judged him by his looks and actions and learned her lesson. Never judge a book by its cover.

When America first saw Maxon after she found out she was in the Selection she judged him to harshly. As time moved on, she started to realize that he wasn't that bad of a person. By the end of the book she has feelings for him. This taught her the lesson, don't judge a book by its cover.

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