Bliss- (Entry 4)

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Penny, you're literally never gonna believe what happened! So, V and I hung out today and I asked him questions throughout the hangout and to save time I'm gonna write them in a Q&A fashion (In-order):

"So are you literally ready for a relationship or was that not serious or.?"

"Yeah, obviously I was serious."

"But like are you sure-"

"Yes, I'm sure-"

"But WHAT changed your mind to make you ready?"

"I don't know."

"Well, there had to have been a reason. Nobody just wakes up and goes, *yawn* "wow, I think I'm ready for a relationship."

"Well, I did-"

"I don't believe you V."


"What do you want me to say Ariete? That I regret not dating you or something?"

"Well yeah, that would be nice but I'm not expecting it... unless that's what it was????"

"Shut up."

BAHAHAHAHAHHAHA wait- there's more:

*later on when we're on the swings*

V - "so, are you looking to date anyone?"

M - "yeah,"


"His name is Timmy, he has no ass but I still like him."

"Fuck off-"

"What about you, idiot?"

"What do you think?"

*gives him a look*

"Yeah, her name is (A)Riete."

We ended up getting sidetracked here and I told him about the shit RB pulled, but I bugged him until we were on the green swing and basically, all I asked was like:

"Are you SURE you're ready for a relationship?"

He and I just bickered as I almost followed him home. During this time as a failed attempt to be cheeky, I said after a good 3 minutes of hesitation:

"So when are you gonna ask me out?"

"That isn't even a real question."

"Yeah, yeah whatever just answer me."

He ended up wiggling out of it most of the way down the street until we were parting ways and he was like:

"I'll say it over text so I can send memes."

He did actually do that, with a POKEMON meme. That literally couldn't have been more perfect for me. That's what makes me happy.

So yeah, V and I are officially dating. AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!

Okay, now for the fun part, my friend MQ (Her name plus queen) was one of the people who I told and she actually got to hear the first page of the journal. Fun facts.

But for real, MQ was super excited and was literally like "your life is a story," and stuff like that, I also told RP and she was making jokes that my life was like keeping up with the Kardashians except she was the only one keeping up.

As if the aliens don't count or something.

Anyways long story short for this section, EB is technically the reason V and I are now together, even after she tried to push my hopes into the ground, I still got with the person I've wanted since the third grade. I'm not thanking EB, I'm telling her to shove her opinions where the sun doesn't shine.

RP and I were talking and she said it would be funny to let EB find out on her own.

I agree for two reasons,

The look on her face when I say like "yeah, we've been together for months." will be priceless.

I know her opinions have a microscopic chance of getting to me while I'm in the first stages of the relationship which is why not telling her will give me tons of time to be completely comfortable with me and him (even though I already am).

Okay now that all of that's over with I have one more thing to say before signing off, the bracelet.

For some background info, I made RP and me these matching friendship bracelets and I've been wearing mine for the past week or so and both RP and I's lives have had some huge realizations since the day I made them. Although not all of them were happy realizations (on both sides, keeping in mind she hasn't worn hers because I haven't seen her since making them)

These realizations were ones we needed and these realizations for me include how toxic EB is, and of course, V and I confessing our feelings AND dating. AHHAHA-

So I was dancing in my room right before I sat down to write all the events of today and looked at my wrist and saw the bracelet was gone. I was at first sad that something so special and helpful was now gone, but I then realized I should be thanking the universe and the spirits that watch over me for giving me the transformation and eye-opening realizations I needed. It led me to V and I thank you all for that. I hope someone else out there will be able to get as much out of it as I was able to.

It's Saturday, April 24, 2021. What was supposed to be a terrifying day for me due to the fear of being attacked (if you know, you know), has now become the day that I got with my first love, but don't tell V that yet. Even though I know he most likely feels the same as I do. The time is 10:03 pm and I'm gonna go text V because he's my boyfriend and I can do that. We have a date (I think?) on Monday, probably gonna get ice caps or ice cream. Because that's what people do when they date. Because V and I are TOGETHER! Okay, I'm done now.

Goodnight Penny! :D

Penny for your thoughts?Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя