Chapter 15

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Uh... here...?


To say that the Demon Brothers lasted a long time would be very generous on Percy's part. The Chaotic Trio had wasted no time in going after them once given permission and showed no mercy. What they lacked in chakra control (and Percy would teach them if he cared that much), they made up for it in pure spite.

Tazuna watched in shock as the three children tag-teamed the two ninja, ducking low to distract them while the other two aimed high, and he could honestly say he was a bit terrified. On the other hand, if they could take down some enemy ninja with barely any training, Tazuna must be the most protected person in the village then. They took turns on beating the shit out of the men and protecting the bridge builder, cycling around like it was planned. They were monsters.

"Kakashi-sensei isn't dead, right?" Naruto asked, making his way over to Percy, who was observing the battle with an air of amusement.

"Are they dead?" Tazuna muttered to himself, eyeing the Demon Brothers, who were passed out of the ground getting their arms and legs tied together by Sasuke and Sakura.

Percy gave a lopsided grin, putting his hands in his pockets. "It'd be pretty shitty of him to die from people you all just defeated, wouldn't it?"

The bridge builder wanted to say something about that, how the children could probably take over the world on his command alone, but he closed his mouth when Kakashi walked out looking proud of the kids.

"You're an asshole." Kakashi said to Percy as he elbowed his side. "And I don't have a will."

"You should." Percy responded, unperturbed by the action. He smiled sweetly. "You could die at any second, Kakashi."

The silver-haired man rolled his eyes. "Don't make that face. People are going to actually think you'll murder me."

Percy shrugged. "I don't know. I'm feeling it tonight."

Tazuna chose that moment to clear his throat. "Um... We should probably keep going. My village is near here."

Sakura and Sasuke chose that moment to walk over to them, each dragging a tied up man behind them while wearing large smiles. "Kakashi-sensei, what do you want us to do with the trash?"

Kakashi eyed the Demon Brothers, something about his posture telling Tazuna that the man was contemplating just lighting them on fire and being done with it. He opened his mouth, eyebrows furrowing in thought, before he looked at Percy. "I got nothing. Wanna just kill them?"

Percy tilted his head to the side and glanced at Naruto, who was watching them curiously. "Mm... No, not today. I got a few ideas, though."

Whatever the man did with the Demon Brothers, he didn't tell anyone. He only gave the group a cheeky grin and a two finger salute before dragging off the two men through the forest around them. When he came back, his hands were empty and he had an air of satisfaction around him.

"I think he killed them." Sakura whispered to Naruto, eyeing the man with slight fear and amusement.

"He might have killed them." Naruto agreed, a bright grin on his face despite his words.

Sasuke nodded his head solemnly. "They're dead."

Tazuna blinked slowly, deciding to ignore the conversation for now. Man, he really should have been more adamant in asking the Hokage for a different team to help him. "If we could move forward...?" He didn't wait for their response, instead walking off. He knew they would follow him. Even though they were a chaotic bunch, Tazuna knew that they would still follow through with their job to their upmost ability. That, at least, he felt secure about.

When they finally reached the village, Tsunami, his daughter, greeted them at the house with a kind smile. "Welcome home, father."

"Hey." Tazuna said tiredly, though not unkindly, as he put his bag down by the door. "These are the ninja that will be staying with us for a bit." He gestured lazily to them. "There's the Chaotic Trio and the Disaster Duo."

Kakashi and Percy pointed at each other, each wearing deadpanned expressions. They said the other's name in a bored tone, introducing the other to the woman like it was rehearsed. 

"I'm Naruto!" The Uzumaki in the group beamed. "These are my friends Sasuke and Sakura."

"It's nice to meet you all." Tsunami said, politely not questioning the titles her father gave the group. "Dinner won't be for another hour or two but I can show you the rooms you all will be staying in."

"That would be wonderful." Percy said politely like the mature adult he wasn't. "Thank you so much."

Needless to say, everyone was disturbed by him, but none more so than Tazuna.


"Alright." Percy clapped his hands together once to get everyone's attention once Tsunami went back downstairs to make sure she had enough ingredients for dinner. "Duckling and Sasu will be sharing a room while Sakura will have her own down the hall. Kakashi and I will be sharing as well." He gestured to the door behind him.

"If you need us," Kakashi continued the man's thought process because they shared one braincell. "Don't."

Percy grinned. "That being said, put your things down in the rooms and meet back downstairs. We're going to go to a field or some shit to do some light training before dinner."

The kids agreed enthusiastically, rushing off to do as they were told. Kakashi and Percy placed their own things in their temporary room, frowning at the area. It was fairly small, really only fit for one person, but if Percy slept in his cat form then there'd be plenty of room for the two of them. Said man was pretty pissed, enjoying his solitude more than anything when he could get it. It was bad enough that Kakashi bothered him every chance he got at Konoha.

Kakashi turned to the man, giving him an eye smile. "Please don't kill me."

"Stop smiling when you say it. It makes me want to throw up."


"I get the left side of the room. You get the right. If you come on my side, I will take one of your eyes."

Kakashi surveyed the area once again. "There's not exactly enough room to divide it..."

Percy pointed at himself. "I can transform into a cat." He tilted his head, muttering to himself. "...Which... I still don't know how?" He looked back at the silver-haired ninja. "If you come in my area, your eye is mine."

Okay, but he had to ask. "Which eye?"

"I haven't decided yet."


The genin took that time to run over, bright grins on most of their faces. "Sensei, Percy, we're ready!"

The green-eyed adult clapped his hands once, a sadistic grin stretching across his face. "Since I'm not an actual ninja of Konoha, it's not any of my business if any of you die."

Kakashi nodded. "And I don't care."

The children stared at the duo for a moment, something like fear making its way onto their faces, and the adults resisted the urge to snicker at them.

When they found out they were only working on using their chakra to climb trees, the adults actually did laugh at them like the immature people they were.


words: 1,209

song: Talk Too Much - COIN (lyrics)

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