Chapter 9

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This chapter is dedicated to shiper12. I hope you enjoy it! :3 <3


Percy paused at the doorway of the Nara Compound, looking down at a seal with a tilted head.

"Percy?" Naruto looked back at the god with worried eyes, "You coming?"

Percy looked up at the blonde, smiling gently. He looked at the seal once more before stepping over, "Yeah, of course."

The blonde didn't feel it but a pulse ran through the entire household the moment he entered. Percy simply stayed by Naruto's side, a gentle hand on his shoulder, and whispered reassurances in his ear.

"Oh, Shika-chan, are these the two friends you were talking about?" Yoshino walked over to them, studying them with warm eyes. Her gaze lingered on Percy, tilting her head curiously, before she smiled kindly at them.

"Yeah," Shikamaru nodded, waving at them. "This is Naruto Uzumaki and Percy Jackson."

Yoshino stilled for a moment, unnoticed by all except Percy, before nodding, "Well, right this way. Wash your hands in the sink before we start."


Twenty minutes into the cooking, Shikaku stood from his spot, "Percy, may I speak to you for a minute?"

Said god stopped what he was doing and looked back, sea-green eyes unreadable as he gazed at the jounin commander. He didn't say anything for a couple of seconds before nodding and rinsing his hands in the sink.

Shikaku led them to his office before he put up some privacy seals, "Do you know what this is?" He moved a curtain on the wall, revealing an intricate seal.

"It's made to sense my chakra," Percy answered, leaning against the door.

"Exactly. The Hokage had each clan put one in their Compound, in the house and at the door, should there be a chance you return. He said that you will only come back in times of great danger."

"That is correct," Percy confirmed.

"I want my wife and son to be safe," Shikaku said, looking at the god with narrowed eyes. "Promise me they'll be safe."

"They'll be safe, Shikaku-sama. You have my word," Percy stood straight, looking the Nara in the eyes.

"Good. I assume you would not be able to tell me anything."

"That is correct," Percy nodded. "I suppose I may tell you some but not now. We have some time."

"Alright," Shikaku nodded, accepting the answer. "If anything were to happen that involves my son, you'd let me know?"

"You'd be the first to know," Percy said seriously. He tilted his head to the door when he heard Naruto's triumphant shout, "I believe food is ready. Shall we go?"

"Of course," The Nara released the privacy seals and stared at the sea-green trident on the god's back as he walked away.


"I hope my troublesome husband didn't bother you too much," Yoshino said as she and Percy set the table.

"He didn't, Yoshino-sama," The raven-haired god said kindly, smiling at her.

"Call me Yoshino," She said with a wave of her hand. "Thank you for helping me."

"It was no problem, Yoshino," Percy nodded before turning to Naruto. "Wash your hands again and make sure Shikamaru is awake to eat."

"Hai," Naruto beamed, scurrying off to do as told.

"He listens to you so well," Yoshino watched as the Uzumaki dragged her son to the bathroom to wash his hands. "Are you his guardian?"

There seemed to be another question lying there and Percy looked at her with unveiled eyes; the promises made and fiercely kept, the protectiveness and aged wisdom revealed. "Yes," He answered after a moment. "I'm his guardian."

Yoshino nodded, "Well, he's lucky to have you."


"You did a good job cooking, Duckling," Percy said, ruffling the blonde's hair as they left the Nara Compound. "Did you get the recipe?"

"Yup," Naruto beamed, showing the paper before putting it back in his pocket. "Yoshino-sama and Shikaku-sama are so nice."

Percy looked at the boy sadly before hooking his arm around his shoulders, pulling him to his side, "But I'm still your favorite, right?" He ruffled Naruto's hair and laughed when he tried to push him away.

"Of course," Naruto tried to put an angry face on as he fixed his hair but he couldn't when he saw how happy Percy was with him. Soon, they were both laughing and Percy had his arm protectively around his shoulder, like he was shielding him from the harshness of the world.

"Tomorrow we're meeting your team for a D-rank," Percy informed the blonde as they stepped into the apartment. "I'll wake you up at nine."

"'Kay," Naruto yawned and gave the god a hug, revealing in his warmth. "Night, Percy."

"Night, Duckling."


When Naruto woke up that morning, he felt like something was wrong. Firstly, was the fact that Percy hadn't woke him up like he said. Secondly, there was a breeze in his apartment when all of the windows and doors should be closed.

Getting up, Naruto quickly shrugged on his coat before running out of his bedroom. He immediately stopped at the sight.

Everything was trashed; dishes scattered, glass lying everywhere, papers shredded, the dining table and chairs in shambles.

The windows were all broken in, beer bottles everywhere, and the door was off it's hinges.

And Percy Jackson was no where to be found.

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