4. Road to Desland, The Land of Earth

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Once, during our training, we were sent deep into the No Man's Land. They told us that we would kill one of the strongest monsters in there or die ourselves. We weren't able to disagree or anything because we know if we did it, we would get killed anyway. You will never guess what that monster was. When we finally got to the place that we were, we saw... We saw a little fox. We were shocked, we were, like, 'They told us to kill that pretty little fox?!'. We started to talk and joke and then, in one little moment, it transformed itself into a huge half fox, half-dragon demon. It took us three days to defeat that creature. During a battle, one of us almost died. She would have died if Ame wasn't that fast, and hadn't transformed herself in time, and shielded our dear friend with her own body. Fortunately, we all survived this fight. Even if all of us were physically exhausted, we did it and got back safely.

At first, I didn't know where to start, but then I remembered that we were all connected. So I tried to focus on finding my friends, and then somewhere deep in my heart, I felt something. I didn't know why, but I got to know where they were. My heart was leading me all the way to Desland, The Land of Earth. The roads were getting rougher and rougher because of the mountains of the Duchy, but I knew I couldn't even think of giving up. When I was walking through one of the forest mountains, I heard something. It was night, so I was a little scared, but I grabbed my trident tighter. My heart started to beat faster, then I focused and linked my thoughts to the water molecules in the air. It made me able to know what was going on in the dark. I realized there were two middle-class fire demons following me. I thought of a water missile, then I created them and swung my trident at the demons. The water missiles soared and pierced their bodies. I thought I had killed them, but I didn't bother to check. I just continued on the road to the place where Ame lives. Ah, yeah, I haven't told you about her yet, right?

Ame was my best friend during our training. She was very clever, maybe it was because she was a detective. But she wasn't just some detective, she was the best in her profession. She had an amazing sense of smell, and she was able to transform herself into a really huge and powerful dog. But even in that form, she was beautiful. Her pistol aiming skills also rivaled the best. She didn't just have any ordinary weapons either. Her guns had been specially made for her using the finest materials in Desland. I hoped she still remembered me because she sometimes wanted to attack strangers, but first, I had to go to her home and hoped that she was there.
My heart was leading me through mountains, forests, several villages, and towns until I got to Zemien, the capital of Desland. I passed through the gate leading into town. I was walking down the road. There were stalls on both sides. People were looking at me like they saw some kind of monster, but I didn't care. I had my own mission to do. I went straight, and after a few minutes of walking, I turned right into a darkened street. I walked a little longer, and it took a while before I realized I was standing in front of her little house. My heart was racing. I gripped my trident tighter.

When I was about to knock on its door, I got shocked. I heard the sound of reloading the gun, and then a few shots passed through the doors. I thought I was dead, zoning out for a sec. I was standing still. My shoulder started to hurt. I saw my blood flowing down my sleeve. I jumped back a few meters, and then I tried to focus. I swung my trident, and then broke the doors using molecules of water in the air. After that, we could see each other. I didn't know who was more shocked. She immediately threw her gun away and ran to me. She hugged me and said, 'Gura? Is that you?' her eyes were full of tears.
'A- Ame... Do you remember me?' I said, and then she hugged me even tighter. She grabbed my arm and led me into her bedroom, and then she put me on her bed. I was sleepy and felt like my body was heavy. She told me I could sleep, so I did. I was so exhausted because of this situation.

After a little while, I opened my eyes for a few minutes. Ame didn't catch that, and I hope she still doesn't know about it. She was crying next to me and talking to herself, 'Wh- Why? Why did it happen? I thought it was a random Sea Demon...' - she started to sob even more -'What kind of normal person smells like a fish? She's so damn stinky like she hasn't taken a shower in years...' She chuckled for a bit and started weeping again. I was too weak to say anything, even if I didn't know if I should be angry or sad. I fell asleep again.
When I woke up, I found Ame sleeping on a chair next to the bed, propped up against my chest. I realized she took care of me after a crying part last night. She had cleaned my wound and bandaged it. All this time, she was close to me. I put my hand on her head and dozed off again. After the next few hours, I felt how Ame's head was going up, then I slowly wiped my eyes and said, 'Hey, you wanna sleep all day?', and chuckled a bit.
She laughed a little, but she was still sad about what happened before. I told her, 'Don't worry about yesterday, it's fine' I tell her with a smile. 'Also umm, I kinda need your help... The demons took my father...'
'What? How? How did they even do that?' she immediately asked, terrified.
'I believe you know this legend about blood moon and demons. It's not just a legend. It's true. They got to our castle during the night of blood moon, and I couldn't do anything. They were stronger than ever.' I said with sadness.
'And you want to renew our friendship from the past? With the others too?'
'Yeah, so I'm here to beg you for help. Would you help me, please?' I asked kindly with the little bit of hope left inside me.
'You want to defeat demons, and you keep sleeping with that little plush shark?' she joked at me.
I got embarrassed and realized I was hugging Little Sharky the whole time. I didn't know what to answer. She hugged me and said, 'Just kidding,' and started to laugh. 'Don't worry, you know I am always by your side.' I was so happy I got friends like her. I immediately got up and hugged her tightly. My belly was still hurting, but I didn't care. 'So what should we do first?' Watson asked.
'Umm, I'm not sure. I just go where my heart leads me to.'
'H- Haa?!' she was shocked.
'Yeah,' I smiled. 'That's how I found you.'
'You haven't told me about it yet. Maybe it's time to do that?' So I told her how it happened and how I found her. After that, she told me she expected something like that because I always had good relations with everybody during our training. We decided to go look for Ina after two days, so I had time to rest. In the meantime, we repaired a hole in my hoodie, so it was looking great again. It was another reason for me to love my hoodie.

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