Chapter 23

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Eli could hardly sleep the night before, because Patrick was his dad. All of his friends called their "dad," dad but he always called Ryan, Ryan for the longest time. The question that slipped out of his mouth a couple months ago was just clarification. But know he had a completely different dad..

Eli took his bottom lip in between his teeth as he looked around his room. The sun had took away the darkness that he had fallen asleep in the night before. His white tank top had rolled up his stomach and his curls were all over the place.

Eli slid off the bed and peaked through the crack of his room door. He took a run for it like he does every morning, his little feet smacking the tile floor as he headed for Ellen's bedroom.

"Why do you always jump to that conclusion?" Patrick whispered watching as Jill took a big bite of her peanut butter oatmeal. She had slept in, allowing the kids to get up before they had the chance to talk.

"What conclusion?" She whispered back sitting the white glass bowl back on the tray Patrick had used to bring the breakfast into the bedroom.

"Why do you assume I cheat?" Patrick was genuinely curious and really wanted to know the answer to that question. Even before he actually slept with Ellen she assumed he was out cheating..

"Because," she breathed tucking a piece of her blond hair behind her ear.

Patrick watched the sun shine on her face, "because what Jill?"

"You were married when you met me," she paused, turning the silver spoon by the handle, "we did things that was unfair to rocky and if you did it once it will happen again and I can't really be upset if it does.."

Jill didn't wait for Patrick to say anything, "how you get em is how you loose em," she whispered, her voice soft and calm.

Sullivan sat outside his parents room door trying to make out what they were saying. He wanted to tell them about Justin. His feelings.. the things he'd been feeling were something he was used to now and he didn't want to hide it anymore.

He wanted to know his parents supported him, just for one minute. Sullivan would never question himself again. He was going to be myself. He was going to live and love the way he was made to, and the rest of the world could just lump it. He was determined never again to deny or be ashamed of his sexuality and sexual orientation. He wasn't going to go around beating a drum about it, but he wasn't going to deny it either. If asked, he would give a direct and unabashedly candid answer, the consequences be damned. But all of this could be a thing if he could only tell Patrick and Jill.

Tal opened the closet door and pulled out a black blanket. She nearly jumped out of her skin when she turned around and saw Sullivan sitting by their parents bedroom door.

"You just scared the crap out of me," tal breathed tucking the blanket under her arm so she could drag her hand over her face as a form of exaggeration.

"See now that is the highlight of my day." Sullivan announced the fidget spinner in his hand going full speed. Tal tilted her head, pushing the order sibling smug away and seeing her baby brother miserable countenance. Without thought she pushed the blanket back into the closet before moving and sitting on the floor beside him.

"What's going on?" Tal asked sincerely, pulling the toy out of his hand.

"Mom and dad are always fighting," he whispered slowly breaking his eyes away from his feet now looking into tals blue eyes.

"Yup.. that is uh, that is nothing new." She had tried to make out what Patrick meant by he was at Ellen's.. were they friends? If it was just some movie get together why couldn't he just call and say that??

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