Chapter 30: Suprise sweetie

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Patrick entered his home with the strong weight of guilt on his shoulders. He headed straight for the shower, pulling his shirt over his head before he could even reach the bathroom door.

He could smell Ellen on him and with that he took a deep breath. The hot water hitting the shower floor brung him out of his daze as he remembered how she moved on top of him.

He sat his phone on the bathroom counter and pulled the glass to the shower closed, hoping the steam would make him regret last night.

Jillian walked straight in the bathroom and snugged his phone off of the counter. She'd been up all night waiting for him to get home. Patrick was acting the same as six years ago.

Moody, staying out late, refusing sex.

She entered the six digit code and came face to face with the twins and Tal on his Home Screen. Her knees buckled and she sat down on the edge of the bed as she headed straight for his messages.

She froze.

"Patrick where were you last night." Jill walked in the shower and pulled the glass back, watching as the color drained from his face at the sight of his cellphone in his wife's hand.

He opened his mouth to lie but quickly shut it.

Jillian went to his photos and before she could select albums. She got her answer.

"You're so beautiful," Patrick whispered as Ellen cuddled into his body even further. He grabbed his phone off of the nightstand and took a picture of her.

Ellen's blond hair was pushed to one side of her head, so her ear was rested on his chest.

Her longe eye lashes, button nose, and plump lips making her look even more stunning for the picture.

Jill handed him his phone and walked out of the bathroom. She grabbed a duffel bag from on top of their closet and started to throw his clothes in. The picture frames of them scattered around the room was staring back at her, like she was the one in the wrong.

She zipped the bag up and walked to the front door. Patrick standing in his boxers watching her as she opened the door and threw it out in the grass surrounding the front porch.

She stomped back into their bedroom, "I want you out."

Patrick nodded his head, tears filling his eyes, "Jillian."

She turned to look at him but she averted her eyes when a voice came from the doorway.

"Tell her dad."

Patrick turned and looked at his daughter. Her eyes red as she gripped her sweatshirt closer to her body. Jill looked at Patrick, bracing herself for what was going to come.


"Dad tell her or I will," was the last thing tal uttered before she exited their bedroom.

"Elijah, um, he's my son," Patrick paused, "he's me and Ellen's son."

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