Chapter 8 - Anger Management

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Paintbrush sighed, "Finally! I think I finished-" They looked at the rest of the hotel, which as still a huge mess. "-about half... AGH! I'M LOSING MY PATIENCE!" They were on a ladder cleaning.

"Paintbrush, just let it go! You'll hurt yourself!" Fan called out to them.

Cheesy walked by with an ice pack and threw it.

"Oh gee, if ONLY I had a team to-" The ice pack hit the ladder that Paintbrush was on, causing it to shake. "OH! WOAH! WAA..." They fell to the ground, with the ladder hitting their faces.

Fan continued to eat his popcorn. "Here it comes..."

"YOU'RE TELLING ME NOT TO WORRY?!" Paintbrush's bristles turned into fire. "I'M THE ONLY ONE WHO DOES ANYTHING FOR THIS TEAM!"

Fan laughed anxiously, then started to choke on his popcorn.

"Oh, you're enjoying the show, Fan?" They picked up his egg. "How do you like it NOW?!"

"Paintbrush!" Fan gasped.

"You act like you're still just a spectator, that NOTHING leaves a real impact! Well, how about your precious little EGG on the hardwood floor!?"

"You better not!"

Paintbrush raised Fan's egg in the air, ready to smash it, but then stopped. "Pull it together, Paintbrush. Don't do something you'll regret." They sighed.

They started walking over to him, but then they trip. "Woah!"

Fan watched the egg fall in fear, but then Test Tube swooped in, catching it. "Yes! Gotcha!"

"Phew," Paintbrush sighed.

"Yay!" Fan cheered.

"Close one..." Test Tube said while getting up.

"Test Tube," Fan told her. "Words can't describe how grateful I am right now!"

"Honestly, Fan," Paintbrush walked up to him. "I didn't mean to..."

"Paintbrush I knew you weren't the nicest but attempted murderer is a new low!" Fan angrily replied. "Thank goodness Test Tube was there for me!"


At last, the hotel was clean. OJ was pleased and Brain was ready to say something.

"Thank you for cleaning the hotel." He told the contestants. "Granted it's not completely done, but much better than it was before!"

"So," Soap spoke up. "My team won right? We cleaned the most!"

Brain raised an eyebrow, "T-that wasn't a contest."

Everyone gasped in shock.

"I just wanted my hotel cleaned up!" OJ walked up to the contestants.

Brain rolled his eyes, "If you want a challenge, then here's one." He took out a coin and flipped it. "Looks like the Bright Lights win!"

"Oh see Paintbrush?" Fan told Paintbrush. "Now you know better than to think you have power of the game."

"Hmm!" Paintbrush crossed their arms.

Suddenly, a police van rolled up, and threw MePhone out from the back of the van.

"Uh, hi guys," MePhone got up. "I'm back from the slammer."


"So, what's going on?" MePhone pushed him away.

"Let's see," Balloon spoke up. "Brain eliminated Suitcase just because HE felt like it!"

"That's not my problem..." MePhone crossed his arms. "Actually, you're right. That's kind of unacceptable. Suitcase, come back."

Suitcase smiled, then quickly rushed back to her alliance.

"Oh, yeah! The gang is back!" Baseball cheered.

"We're gonna do elimination time quickly," MePhone told the Bright Lights, the true losers of the previous episodes. He handed out papers to the contestants on that team. "Please write the name of the contestant you want to eliminate."

After the papers were handed in, MePhone counted the votes. "Looks like Apple is eliminated with three votes from Marshmallow, Paintbrush, and Fan!"

"Guess your little strategy ends here," Marshmallow told Apple. "Karma's a beautiful thing, isn't it?"

"But I thought we were buddies! Pals! Friends for life!" Apple hugged her back.

"Not to YOU, we weren't!"

MePhone picked Apple up and carried her to the Rejection Portal.

"No! What's happening?!" Apple looked around.

"Buh-bye!" Marshmallow waved as Apple was thrown into the portal.

"Wa-gwuys! You can't send those gwuys back there!" Tissues sneezed on MePhone, causing him to get electrocuted. "Uh, sorry."

"A-a-a, what are you trying to do? Make me sick?" MePhone pushed him away. "The portal doesn't send you to the closet anymore, apparently Judge Gavel said it was illegal or something. So I've made some arrangements with OJ, and we devoted a portion of the hotel to all of you."

"That's right!" OJ walked up. "At Hotel OJ, where you will be treated with the utmost respect, and NOT in a small locked closet!"

All the eliminated contestants were pushed into the Rejection Portal by MePhone.

"Yes!" Brain cheered, "Now we can-"

Suddenly, Test Tube picked both the mice up. "You guys gotta rest after a busy day?"

Brain sighed, "Just why..."


Pinky was laughing at the TV nearby in the cage. "Oh, you should've seen what they did, Brain!"

"Silence, Pinky!" Brain got up from working on something. "We must prepare for tomorrow night!"

"Why, Brain?" Pinky shrugged. "What are we gonna do tomorrow night?"

"The same thing we do every night, Pinky; try to take over the world!"

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⏰ Última actualización: May 05, 2021 ⏰

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