Chapter 1 The Start of My Life As An Outlaw

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My outlaw life started with the murder of John Tunstall he was murdered right before my eyes. i had vowed that i would hunt down and bring his killers to justice. John Tunstall was the only family that i had. my mother Catherine McCarty died of tuberculosis when i was 15 years old i am 17 years old now and again i have lost someone that i cared for. i had found the ones that killed John Tunstall after that i had became an outlaw the news papers make my crimes worse than what they really were. i stole horses and cattle and i have killed some men. the Governor had signed my death warrant i am wanted dead or alive. i have bounty hunters hunting me down to collect the reward on my head, i even have Sheriff Pat Garrett hunting me down only time will tell who will catch me first. as it looks right now i will have to keep running and hiding to stay out of their sight or risk getting caught or shot and killed but this is the life of an outlaw. i know that there are other outlaws here in the old west that are also being hunted just like i am. but here in Lincoln County New Mexico i am the only outlaw here that is being hunted by Sheriff Pat Garrett. today i am in hiding. Chavez was badly wounded at Stinking Springs along with Doc. and Tom was badly wounded before that. i had asked Hendry to leave me so he would be safe. Dave had left me for dead. i do not know where Chavez and Doc and Tom are and if they are alright. i hope and pray that they are alright. tonight i will sleep a restless sleep not knowing will happen.

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