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When Liliya arrived at her room, she was surprised to find Genya sat by the dresser. Her fingers tapping against the wood as she stared at herself in the mirror. The door opening caused her to move her gaze, spotting the redhead walk in. A smile graced her lips and she turned around, grabbing the bag of pastries.

"I brought these from the kitchen," Genya said as she held it out. Liliya didn't even care about the pastries and instead rushed to Genya, wrapping the girl in the tightest hold she could. Not letting her escape despite how the pastries were getting squashed between them, "I do need to breathe," Genya reminded, chuckling softly as she hugged Liliya back. The redhead loosened her hold before sighing and pulling back.

"I missed you," Liliya muttered as she flexed her fingers. The boot prints still marked in her skin. Her teeth still hurt from clacking together too hard and her stomach ached. But she tried to ignore them, Genya still noticed, "Aren't you supposed to be speaking to Al-Kirigan?" Liliya asked as she perched on the end of the bed. She had no idea what the deal with the Queen was now. She just assumed Genya was restricted to only seeing Kirigan. It made sense but maybe Genya was free to roam. She hoped she was.

"Kirigan isn't up at this hour. Only you and Ivan. Maybe Fedyor if I'm lucky," Genya explained. Liliya pulled her eyebrows together deep in thought before nodding. Kirigan was certainly awake this early today and it had been her fault. Her nightmares, "The pastries," Genya reminded as she held them out. Liliya quickly nodded and grabbed them from her grasp before kicking her boots off and shuffling back on the bed.

"Training with Ivan isn't happening anymore," Liliya said as she opened the bag and pulled out two pastries. She offered one out to Genya who took it once she had settled on the bed. Her white kefta still looking pristine as she sat cross-legged. She always looked perfect. It was impossible to keep up with.

"He was always a brute anyway," Genya shrugged as she began to tear the pastry, placing a chunk in her mouth. Liliya nodded in agreement, lifting her right knee up to her chest. Her arms wrapped around it as she stared at the pastry, trying to decide whether to eat or not. She could save it, speak to Kirigan and have it later. But she was starving and her stomach grumbled.

"I was blind not to see it," Liliya said grabbing the pastry and tearing it. Getting flakes all over her sheets. She wasn't being as careful as usual, it didn't matter. She wasn't sleeping in this bed anymore. It might not be her room for much longer. She had no idea what Kirigan planned.

"I noticed that your kefta are gone. Are you leaving?" Genya asked as she gestured towards the wardrobe. The door was slightly ajar and the empty rack was as plain as day. It was strange seeing it empty. The blue clothes had always been a staple, they made her feel safe. Now they were gone. It didn't entirely feel like her room.

"Not exactly," Liliya responded. She wasn't entirely sure how to respond. She didn't know whether to admit to Genya what was happening with Kirigan. Would she be happy to know? Would she hate it? She had no idea and it left her unsure of her words as she added, "Kirigan had them moved... to his room," She added. Genya paused for a moment and placed the pastry back onto the bag. Staring for a long moment.

TORTURED SOUL, general kirigan ✔Where stories live. Discover now