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Hey guys it's me Lizzie. I know some of you are mad at me for not updating but you must thank Otaku_Anime_Addict for encouraging me to continue making this story. More information on why I was taking a long break will be at the end of the chapter.

I don't want to have this huge fight about the ships, it is all your personal opinion.

Well here you go this is for all the Jerza shippers. Prepare your lungs. (I said this to my sister when watching Fairy Tail of the Dead Meeeeeeen)

Disclaimer: Fairy Tail is not mine. It belongs to Hiro Mashima. *sigh* If it did belong to me all the ships would become canon when they first meet.


"Come on Natsu, Erza said that it was an emergency and we need to go over right now." I said irritated pulling on his arm to go out the door.

"But Luce she only called you to go, not me" Natsu deadpanned, dragging his feet on the floor making him look like a child who didn't want to go shoping with his mother.

"Do you think I would go see Erza- 'Titania Erza'- the very exact girl that beats up any guy that even LOOKS at her the wrong way- by myself?" I said pointing at his toned chest to get my point across.

He stared at me with large onyx eyes for a few seconds before sticking his tongue out at me and nodding a 'yes.'

I sighed and crossed my arms over my large chest mumbling "Such a kind, caring fiancé. Letting his pregnant soon-to-be-wife-and-mother-of-his-children go over to a red-headed demon's house."

I looked at him with big brown puppy eyes that I know that he can't resist.

A wave of uncertainty crossed his face and immediately I knew I hooked him.

Suddenly my cell phone rang. I grabbed the pink cellphone and answered "This is Lucy."

"Hello Lucy can you hurry up and come over?" Even though her voice was static-filled I could tell Erza's voice was shaking.

"Erza are you ok?"

"Yeah I'm-Seigrain put that away and sit with your brothers!"

In the background I could hear this "Seigrain" person saying in a sing-song voice "Come on Erza-chan why don't you and me go back to my pla- Seigrain don't finish that sentence."A familiar voice cut off the other.

"Come on little brother can't you take a joke?" Came this "Seigrain's" voice.

"Boys get out of my room I'm on the phone." Erza said irritated.

I heard mumbling and grumbling and the door slam shut. "Lucy I am loosing my mind. Please help a friend out."

I could hear desperation in her voice. "Erza I'll be there within 15 minuets."


When me and Natsu came up to Erza's cherry blossom wood door, a man popped out. He had dark green fabric wrapped around his face and a dark blue hoodie with faded jeans. He wore a dark blue hat on his head covering his hair with bright blue hair sticking out underneath, but I could make out a distinct red tattoo across his face on his right cheek.

"You must be Lucy and Natsu, am I correct?" The man said with a calm voice.

I felt Natsu's arm go in front of me and Natsu glared at the man. "Yeah its us, but who are you, where is Erza, and why are you here."

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