Family will always be there for you

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Natsu gasped and literally dropped the phone but caught it just in time but not without swerving the car a little. "D-Dad? What are you doing here in Magnolia?"

I looked out the window to see the buildings pass by. A few tears slipped down. Whatever I do I must not break down. No matter what.

"Luce, are you ok?"

"Luce? Is that Lucy, that blonde girl that you were always with in high school?"

I wipe a few tears away and face Natsu with a weak and obliviously fake smile. "I'm fine. Nothing to be worried about. We should go see your parents. They're probably at your apartment so lets go there."

"Are you sure? I mean-"

"I'm fine. Besides you probably didn't even tell your parents that I'm pregnant."

"Wait-WHAT YOUR PREGNANT?! Natsu how could you do this to us without telling your parents!?"

"Bye dad see you later."

"No don't hang up on me we still have a lot to talk about like-"

All I heard was his phone beeping.

Natsu just sighed and said "If your alright with it, then maybe we should go."

"Thanks Natsu. I just need to get my mind off of it."

After a while we got to Natsu's apartment. We didn't even need to get close to the door to have Igneel run out and bring us into a hug.

Igneel was a tall middle aged man with long spiky red hair and onyx eyes. He wore a pale yellow shirt with pale red shorts. (A/N: Sorry but I cant describe guys :p) "My, my look at what we have here. Natsu looks like you have finally have become a man." Igneel gave us a grin similar to Natsu's.

Natsu looked away with his face all red. He mumbled something about already being a man. And that he sounded like Elfman. All Igneel gave a hearty laugh.

"Igneel stop patronizing the boy, and let me give him a hug." Came a sweet voice, but held a deadly tone.

Grandeeney walked out with a sweet but deadly smile. She had long dark blue hair, much like Wendy's but a little darker. And soft brown eyes that would give you the sweetest look. She had on a light aqua blue dress that went below her knees with white trimmings around the bottom and around her arms. She was a middle aged woman about the size of me.

Igneel let go of Natsu and me but not only a second later we were having the breath squeezed out of us. "M-Mom... c-cant...breath." Natsu squeezed out.

"Oh my, I'm sorry dears."

"Its ok Grandeeney." I said softly.

She looked at me with a soft glance and looked at my belly and gave a motherly smile. "My, my look what we have here. Igneel it looks like we really are going to be grandparents."

Both me and Natsu blushed a deep red at her words. "We should get you inside, Lucy. Standing up will do you and the baby no good." Grandeeney said with a little glare. I know she means well but she might go a tad overboard. She was one of my mothers friends and basically took care after me in high school, but lets just say I know where Natsu gets his overprotective side.

When I walk through the doors I'm brought to little yapping and ayes. "Lucy-san if you don't mind, I brought Plue and Happy here." I look up to see Wendy in her normal red shirt with a big orange bow in the center and dark blue skirt with socks that went all the way up to her thighs. Her hair was in pigtails with little dark blue cat covers over them.

Wanting a family (Nalu Story)Where stories live. Discover now