Chapter 6

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Lexi and James led the way across town. The others followed anxiously, peering into alleyways and around corners. They were all heavily armed in anticipation of an ambush.  When they had gotten close enough to the property for a good view, Lexi and James signaled everyone to get low and gather around. From their vantage point, they could see the large number of zombies surrounding the house. There was little doubt they were guarding it. Nicole drew in a breath. She knew Aaron had to be inside.
"We need to take down all the zombies to get to the house," said Nicole.
"Maybe, we should split into groups and take sections," said Jason.
"Good idea. Leeann, Shawn, and Max, you take the right side of the house."
"Got it," said Shawn.
"James, Hannah, and Lexi, you take the left side."
"No problem," said James.
"Jason, Jacob, and Edward, you're with me, and we're taking the front."
"Hell yeah!" said Jason.
“Once the sides are clear, head for the back. We’ll enter from both sides and take them by surprise.”  Nicole instructed.
With a clear plan in place, they split into different groups. Two groups veered off to the sides while Nicole, Jason, Jacob and Edward waited until they had cleared from view, then proceeded to slowly approach the house using the shadows and outlines of the other buildings to keep them hidden from view as long as possible. Twenty feet from the front of the structure, Nicole raised her blades, ready to fight. She looked over her shoulder. Jason, Jacob and Edward had their weapons ready. They charged forward, shooting and slashing their way to the front door of the house.
Jason kicked in the door as Jacob fired off three more rounds at a zombie screaming toward them. Once inside, they slammed the door shut behind them. Barely taking a breath, they moved forward down the hall. The element of surprise was gone now the gunshots would have seen to that, but still, there was no one blocking their approach. At the end of the hall, two large parlor doors stood open and inside sat Brandon on his would-be throne. A sneering smile on his face as he addressed the other vampires and zombies in the room, waving in Nicole’s direction.
"I knew they 'd come," said Brandon.
The others laughed.
"Where's Aaron?" demanded Nicole.
"He's here, but I don't think he's gonna wanna leave."
"Let him go, Brandon."
"He's free to go wherever he likes." said Brandon, with a smile, “Bella, my dear, will you go get Aaron."
"Yes, Master," said Bella as she left the room.
Moments later, she returned with Aaron.
"You called for me, master," said Aaron.
"We have some company, my young one, and they wish to see you."
"Aaron?" said Nicole, " What have they done to you?"
"Have we met?"
"What did you do to him?"
"I made him one of us. I do apologize; he got quite a bump on the head when he tried to escape. I'm afraid it affected his memory."
"She smells delicious, master. Can I have her?" said Aaron.
"Patience, my young friend."
"I'll kill you for this," said Nicole.
"Not if I kill you first," said Brandon.
"We won't go down without a fight."
"Damn right!" said Jason.
"Very well then, enjoy your last moments," said Brandon, as he snapped his fingers. The vampires and zombies surged forward to attack.
Nicole braced herself for the fight, taking one zombie after another, trying to make her way to Aaron.
"You smell delicious. I bet you taste even better," he said as he lunged at her.
Nicole dodged him.
"Aaron, please, you have to remember. You’re not one of them."
He lunged at her again. This time he succeeded in knocking her down. She fought off his attempts to bite her and threw him off. Then she quickly got back to her feet. She could feel her heart breaking as she pulled out her knives. She knew the Aaron she loved, was gone and she had no choice but to kill him. She waited for his next attack. When he lunged at her again, she thrust her blade straight into his heart. He collapsed to the ground, motionless. Nicole dropped to her knees. The memories of the last two years rushed through her mind. Her heart ached, knowing she had just had to kill a man she loved for two years. The only person she had left from before. The dreams of their future shattered in her mind. Her whole body shuttered as she sobbed.
"I'm sorry, Aaron," she said, as the tears streamed down her face.
The moment seemed to linger in the air forever, but a shout from Jason brought her back to reality and told her she had only seconds to react. Her blades came up as a vampire lunged at her. She plunged the first knife deep into its chest and slashed across the throat with the second. She poured all her rage into the onslaught of the undead, killing one right after another, slashing wildly and furiously.
Once she defeated the close by threats she kneeled down next to Aaron’s body, as tears stung her eyes. Jason appeared by her side, kneeling next to Aaron's body. He touched her shoulder and she fell into his chest, sobbing. He wrapped his arms around her and let her cry. A few moments later the rest of the group was there.
"Did anyone get Brandon?" asked Jason angrily.
"No, he and a couple of his lackeys escaped through a secret passage," said Shawn.
Nicole wiped her eyes and turned to face everyone.
"We have to go back to the house, rest, and regroup. Will you all help me take Aaron's body back so we can bury him properly?"
"Of course," said Jason.
Jason, Jacob, and Edward pulled together a makeshift stretcher to carry Aaron back to the house. The next morning just after sunrise, they buried Aaron. Jason stayed by Nicole's side the whole time. Afterward, she disappeared into one of the upstairs rooms of the house.

Invasion of the Undeadजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें