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Nicole seemed to have had a perfect life. She had a great family, tons of friends and a wonderful boyfriend. Never in a million years did she ever think that a zombie apocalypse was something that could happen. She had always blown it off as the stuff of paranoid people and eccentric preppers. In her eyes, zombies were pure science fiction. However, that was before it had happened. The zombie crisis had come out of nowhere and had spread faster than was believed imaginable. Before she knew it, the only person she had left in the world was Aaron. While she was happy to have Aaron, she felt isolated and lonely without extended family and friends around.
The initial wave of the apocalypse had come as a surprise, and many cities were overrun quite quickly. A select few had managed to hold on longer against the continuous wave of the undead. An even smaller few were able to hold on to pockets through different neighbourhoods while the apocalypse spilled over into smaller communities, towns and rural areas.
Over the next two months, Nicole and Aaron had found a few other survivors and formed a makeshift family. They all camped together, ate together and watched each other’s backs when out searching for supplies. It was very comforting to have a group of people fight alongside her. Things were crazy, but she never thought it would get any worse.  Nothing could have prepared her for what was to come.

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