Chapter 19

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Kian's POV:

After about a minute, we heard a thud.


We all jumped up, and ran upstairs, to the bathroom. Locked. Shit. Wait.

K-JC! Pick the lock.


JC picked the lock, and when he opened the door, Taylor was laying on the floor, a bottle of pain killers spilled all over the floor.

K-Someone call 911.

Tr-On it.

Minutes later an ambulance showed up. They took Taylor. Then we all ran downstairs, got into Ricky's car, and drove to the hospital.

*6 Hours Later, 6 In The Afternoon*

Taylor's POV:

I woke up, and saw white, and a blinding light. Was I dead? I heard a beeping noise. I looked over. Nope. I'm in the hospital. Thank god. I don't know what I was thinking. Wait. Where are the guys? I really want to see them. I need to apologize. I probly scared the shit out of them. Just then the guys walked in. They all had tears on their face. Then they started to talk.

K-This is all my fault. Now because of me...she's dead.

Tr-She's not dead.

K-She's on life support Trevor. If she doesn't fucking wake up in the next 20 minute they're gonna take her off life support.

Tr-I know. But she's strong. She'll wake up.

K-I sure as fuck hope so.

Then I realized. I'm a spirit. I need to wake up. But how? I need to get Trevor to hear me. I got it. I walked over to him. Well floated. I walked in front of him. Then he looked up. Then a nurse walked in.

Nurse-She can breath on her own. So in 5 minutes, we're gonna take her off life support. And she may or may not live.


Then she left. I walked in front of Trevor again. This time he got up.

K-What are you doing Trevor?

Tr-I'm gonna kiss her one last time. This was it. I quickly walked back over to the hospital bed, and laid down in my body. At first I didn't feel anything, then I started to feel Trevor kissing me. I was alive. I kept my eyes shut though. Then the nurse came in, and took me off life support.

Nurse-If she doesn't wake up in 5 minutes, then she's most likely not gonna wake up.


Kian got up, walked over to me, and hugged me. I opened my eyes, and hugged back.

K-Taylor! Oh my god. Thank fucking god you're ok.

Then everyone came over to me and hugged me.

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