1 -I Play Dodge Ball with Ocean Eyes-

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Daughter of Hades
Chapter 1 -I Play Dodge Ball with Ocean Eyes-
[ Sarah's P.O.V. ]

To say I met Percy gracefully would be like saying people eat spinach comfortably. It was time for gym class and I was changing silently in the corner of the girls locker room like I always did. No one paid attention to me, as if I just melted away into the shadows. I was nothing. I was nobody.

I always overheard the other girls conversations. I never tried to talk to them though. There was one girl, Annabeth who had long blonde hair and starling gray eyes. She always talked with her friend Thalia Grace. Thalia was a punk looking girl with short black hair that always had one strip dyed blue like lightning. She had gorgeous blue eyes and a threatening look. She always got into trouble but seemed really nice when talking to her friends. She'd been friends with Annabeth since forever.

The only other girl in my grade was Reyna Avila Ramirez Arellano. I never paid much attention to her, but something intrigued me about Annabeth, and I'd had a huge crush on Thalia since ninth grade. We were in eleventh now and that hadn't changed.

Once we'd changed we all went out into the gym where the boys were shooting baskets. Coach Hedge blew his whistle and everyone gathered around.

"Listen here, Cupcakes, today we're playing doge ball. Captains are Percy Jackson and Sarah Avejezè. I want to see aggression! Now go! Pick your teams, and may the best captain win." He yelled and blew his whistle.

Percy and I separated from the group and shook hands. Percy had black hair which looked vaguely unkept. He was very handsome and I would've fell instantly in love with him if I wasn't gay. His most outgoing feature was his sea green eyes which seemed to be issuing a challenge.

"You're going down, Ocean Eyes." I told him smirking.

"That's what you think, Shadow Girl." He said back. Apparently he'd noticed my ability to just...disappear.

We separated and looked at the group of our classmates.

"PERCY PICKS FIRST!" Coach yelled from the middle of the gym where he dumped the dodge balls.

Percy smirked. "Annabeth." He said and she walked over to his side. Everyone looked at me expectantly.

I studied the boys in my class. If never paid them much attention before but now I had to. There was Jason Grace (Thalia's annoying brother), Grover Underwood, Frank Zhang, Will Solace, and Nico di Angelo who'd always caught my eye. He seemed to keep to himself, a lot like me.

"Thalia." I decided.







"SARAH'S TEAM ON THE LEFT SIDE, PERCY'S TEAM ON THE RIGHT!" Coach called and we moved to our positions.

I moved forward and locked eyes with Percy.

"Think you can beat me, Thalia?" Jason smiled.

"I am the oldest." Thalia smirked.

"That's not fair, Jason said. "We're twins." (AN: yes I know they're not but for the story they all have to be the same age or they wouldn't be in the same grade)

Nico eyed Frank and Reyna glared daggers at everyone on the opposing team. If heard from someone she's asked out both Jason and Percy but gotten turned down both times. Now Percy was dating Annabeth which seemed to agitate her a bit. I didn't blame her.

Each of us grabbed a ball and stepped back from the front lines.

All the balls flew at once.

Grover and Will both hit each other right off the bat outing them both.

Jason threw his right at Thalia but right before it hit her directly in the face it changed course and seemed to curve right around her. Annabeth threw her ball at Reyna who dodged and hit Annabeth back with her own. Annabeth was out.

Nico threw his at Jason but it did the same thing Thalia's had done.

"You guys are cheating!" Annabeth yelled. Both Jason and Thalia smirked.

Nico picked up another ball to throw but was hit in the face by Frank's, Reyna threw hers at him in return while he was distracted. Nico and Frank were out.

Thalia and Jason were throwing balls at each other which all were thrown perfectly as if the wind was directing them but never hit the other. Finally Reyna threw a ball at Jason and it hit him while he was busy dodging Thalia's. Percy seemed to have the same idea and hit Thalia. Both Thalia and Jason were out leaving Reyna and I against Percy Jackson.

Reyna threw her first ball which he dodged. He turned and threw two at once, neither of which came close to either of us. Thalia laughed from the bleachers.

"Nice aim Jackson!"

"Shut up, Thalia!"

While he was distracted both Reyna and I threw balls which he dodged. He threw one at me and I ducked. It hit Reyna who was behind me. She was out and it was just me and Jackson.

"Go Percy!" Grover Underwood yelled from the bleachers where the people who'd gotten out sat.

"Just you and me, Shadow Girl." Percy said.

I smirked. "Just you and me, Ocean Eyes."

"Wanna do this the old western way?" He asked and I smiled.

"Seems only appropriate."

We both picked up one ball.

"One!" Jason shouted from the bleachers.


I got ready my arm up, my nerves tensed. I felt my eyes focus and my breathing steady.


The balls flew. I jumped to the side to avoid Percy's while my ball hit him straight in the face. He'd moved to the right side just as I'd predicted-and aimed. He stumbled backward and touched his nose which was bleeding.

Everyone fell silent while he stared at me.

"Nicely thrown..." He said nervously.


Everyone moved to the changing rooms. Nico grabbed my shoulder and I spun around to face him. His hand was like iron, cold iron. It sent a familiar feeling down my spine although I wasn't sure why.

"Good job out there." He told me.

"Thanks," I said suspiciously. No one ever talked to me unless they felt they had to, and no one ever gave me a compliment.

"I mean it." He looked into my eyes. "That was amazing. No one would ever think you of all people would be able to beat Percy."

It sounded harsh but I was sure he meant it well. I nodded and moved into the girls locker room. Annabeth and Thalia were whispering in the corner while Reyna stared at the wall, deep in thought. I quickly changed and walked out and down the hall to my next class.

So this was my first chapter! What do you think? I hope it's good and as for the missing characters they come in later. And just to clear up, Sarah is a lesbian. Thank you for reading and I can't wait to write more and see if you enjoy it!
Also please let me know your thoughts in the comments and vote if you like it!


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