4 Years Later

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"Prince Kazuto, time to wake up!"
I jerk upwards. "I get my crutches today! and just call me Kazuto!" My nurse, Silica, smiles.
"Yes Kazuto, you get to walk around. You know for two years they will probably let you walk around for only three hours a day?"
"Don't remind me." I flop back onto my pillows.
"Here's your tunic, and trousers. I'm sending James in to help you, I know you hate when girls help you get dressed." She says, before calling "James! Come help Prince Kazuto! He's too old for a girl to help him." James walks in. "Hello, Your Highness. How can I help?"
"James, just call me Kazuto. And could you just lift me so that I don't break Mother and Father's stupid- I mean special rules." James smiles "Yes my Prince." Then as he grips me around the ribs, I see a guilty look in his eyes. 'Not many people know that I remember that night. He need to know it wasn't his fault.'
I finish with the buttons on my tunic, and James turns. I grab his sleeve "James before you get my wheelchair, I'm going to tell you something no one knows, that I'd like to keep that way. Even my parents don't know. Do you swear not to say?" I ask seriously. "Yes my prince. I will not reveal what is said unless it involves your safety or health."
"I remember the night my legs broke. I remember everything that has ever happened to me, or that I've done. My legs breaking was not your fault. I don't think anyone knows this, but the nurse was an enemy who cursed my bones to be more fragile than it should be for the ten minutes it took to get to the safe room. No matter what you had caught, at least one bone would have broken. You actually caught me in the least damaging way possible in those circumstances." James blinks. "How far back do you remember?"
"I remeber the midwife telling my Mother that the two months early breach birth was something that almost no one ever survived. She replied 'I survived because of your magic Sachi. It was your magic.' You can ask anyone if thats what happened. they can quote this perfectly. Now, I think we need to go to breakfast." James smiles softly, and goes to grab the wheelchair. I sigh to myself. 'Why is it that I happen to be the one who was stuck in a wheelchair? Why are they so over protective?'
We reach the dining hall, me fingering a book of master spriggan spells. I mutter one under my breath, making me turn invisible to everyone but James.
"Prince Kazuto, stop turning invisible. I will get in trouble." I sigh and turn visible again.
"Fine, James. Only so you don't get in trouble." I start bouncing in my seat.
"Where are we buying the crutches from? And at what time?" I ask my parents.
"We found a nice place called the Dicey Cafe and Items Shop. we are going around twelve to get them."
'The irony! My over protective parents are meeting the ones who teach me to fight!'
"Hey, thats who gave me these books! The wife of the owner!"
"When did you meet her?"
"She's the one who saw magic in me. She said around when I was ten years old I would get the wings markings!"
My parents share a look. I freeze.
"Honey, I don't think flying is very safe" I break in the the sentence. "Don't you dare say for 'you frail form!' when Sugu was six years old she was flying! If you try to stop me, I will run away!"
"Fine. We will find a teacher when you get your markings."
I smile mischievously. "Oh, good. I got them this morning."
"When your ten-"
I growl.
"Fine! After you get use to walking, and can walk around for more than three hours with crutches you can learn to fly."
I shrug. "Good enough for me!" and continue with my breakfast.

---Twelve o clock that day---
As I sit on my small horse, a red haired girl accidentally knocks me off balance as she trips, causing me to fall a little. I catch myself, and Derek, my dad's guard, grabs her. "How dare you! You could have injured the prince!" Then he rears back to slap her. I grab his wrist. "Peace Derek. She tripped on the cobblestones. Besides, I think she would have felt horrible if I had been hurt."
"But she has to-"
"How about she runs to the Dicey Cafe and Items Shop to tell them we are coming?" She looks hopeful, her dirt streaked face lighting up.
"But she is probably an uneducated street rat-"
"What is you name, Miss?" I interrupt to ask her. She curtseys and replies "Asuna, My Lord. What would you like me to tell them?"
"Come here. I want to make sure no spy in the crowd hears the plan." She complies, slipping next to me.
"Tell Agil that a Blackbird is visiting home. Okay? Tell no one else, even my parents."
"Yes my Lord." Then she darts into the crowd, flashing out of sight.
"I like her." I tell James. "She's got fire."
I see my dad has a look like he wanted to lock me in a tower(he had this look once when he actually did- I was stuck there for a week).
Before he could do anything though, we arrived.
"Ah, hello, Your Highnesses. You came for the crutches?" Agil says as he bows.
"Yes, for Kazuto here."
"I have just the thing..."

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