Home and a Surprise!

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Kirito was there for five years. not two weeks. Sugu delivered the message, this one is one hidden on the note of his death.
"Really? You're not flirting with her?"
"MOM! I don't flirt with girls without meeting their fathers first."
"I've raised you so- IS THAT A CUT?" She starts by saying, finishes with a screech.
"Umm... no?" I say, as I rub my ears.
"Son, you know she could just ground you."
"But I can fly." I say, trying to distract them.
"Fine, fine... I'll tell you... Just let's talk in our apartment? Please?"
"Uh, thanks for bringing me here. I can see my dad over there." Asuna says.
"No problem, Asuna! See you around!" I tell her, before picking my bag up, and walking up the swords.
"Kirito, we'll talk tonight. Once you've unpacked, I expect you in the smithing area."
"Yes Ma'am!" I call. 'This is better all ready than the castle!'
---Later that Night---
I collapse on my bed, more tired than anything else. 'Mom worked me really hard... I wonder why?' I lever myself upwards with my hand feeling a wet spot as I hold myself up. I stand, and turn to see that it's blood. 'Crap! The wounds opened!'
"Kirito! I'm coming in there!"
I turn, and throw a quilt over the spot, forgetting for a second that my shirt is soaked too. Lisbeth comes in and gasps.
"Agil! Come here this instant!" She calls before saying "Kirito, shirt. Now."
I sigh, before complying to her command. Agil walks in, and sees my bloody shirt, then asks the question I dreaded most.
"You went to Tower Aincrad didn't you."
I wince before looking down and nodding.
"Come here, Baka." I go forward wincing as I put weight on my left ankle. He embraces me before saying. "Tell me all your injuries. Now."
I sigh. "Back, chest, sides, stomach, right shoulder, left ankle, my face and my head."
He suddenly looks worried. "Head? Where?"
I motion to where the brain stem was. "I think they wrote something there."
Lisbeth stands on a chair, and curses. "Mother of Sangria the Good! A tracking rune! Kirito, hold still, this may hurt a little bit." Then she dug out the rune stone from my neck, with her dagger. I hold perfectly still, and don't even whimper when she slides the blade into my skin.
"It's out." She holds it in her hand for a moment, it shiny with my blood, before she chucks it into the river.
"I want the full story. Now."
"D-d-do I really have too?"
"If you can."
"Not today... give me a few months to settle down from it." I jump as glass shatters downstairs. Lisbeth's eyes soften.
"Fine. I will only ask one thing. How protected is this, Tower of Aincrad?"
"Well, I am obviously going to destroy it. Duh."
"It's in the shadowyest part of the Forest of Tartarus."
"Since I left them, they are going to probably kidnap people from here. We could get them busted through that..."
"No! You are not going to be bait!"
"Fine... I won't try to be bait"
"Good. Now let me wrap your wounds."
I comply, and she wrapped my wounds, before sighing. "Tomorrow, I'm going to visit a friend of mine with Undine magic. She will heal you. How long until 'school' starts again?"
"I graduated early. You're stuck with me."
"Really?" She looks at me, and I nod. She hugs me tightly, but gently, careful not to hurt me.. I smirk. "Hey mom, tomorrow is the anniversary of my adoption... I'd like to make it my birthday. I am going to officially live with you from now on."
Suddenly someone knocks on the door.
"I have a message from a Blackbird!" My sister calls quietly. 'So she couldn't get here before now?'
"Mom, let me get it. I'm going to let her in as well, okay?"
"Fine. But hurry! You need to rest."
"Mom, I flew here"
Then I move forward, with my hood up, open the door and pull Sugu inside.
"Hey! what are you- Kazuto?"
"How did you recognize me?"
"The way you smiled. Are you dead?"
"Kazuto is. My name is Kirito."
"Well it is very nice to meet you Kirito. My name is Leafa." she grins and holds out her hand. I grasp it, and smile. "It's lovely to meet you- wait what do you mean?"
"Mother had another baby boy. His name is Kuratu. I've run away as well. I live in the Alfheim Dojo School of Advanced Magic, with my 'mother' Katana."
"Lets be friends Leafa. We can duel sometime yes?"
"Of course."
My mother puts her hands on her hips. "Kirito who is this?"
"A sister turned friend. This is Leafa. Leafa, this is my mother Lisbeth. Over there is my father, Agil."
"Nice that Kirito finally has some friends. It's amazing to meet you."
"Same to you."

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