2| W-wha

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Bakugou POV: I twitch in my sleep I shot open my eyes WHERE THE F*CK AM I. I jump off the bed and tried to open the door. Locked. I looks at the windows. idiots who would keep a window in a room with someone they hold hostage, I break the window and jump out and onto the roof i see people outside with guns. i jump off the roof and run not the best possible plan i know but i got to give it a try. I hear distant yelling and gun shots, Damnit i check to see if still have my earpiece, i don't crap I sit down near the forest river I close my eyes and try to calm down I notice my scars are bandaged I press the bandage it stings I grab a pebble and throw it i take off the heels and put my feet in the water I sigh i hear rustling and a red haired boy came out I quickly grab the heels grab him and put the sharp heels near his neck He then says "Chile man I'm not gonna hurt you" He says with a childish grin I say "How can I trust you." He then says "You can" I thought of a plan then i let him go  i take a step back from him He then says "Soooo uh I'm gonna have to take you back so I'm gonna have to knock you out" I acted quick i grabbed his arm and broke it and started running not caring if i stepped on stuff I hear yelling and i gear muffled noises and talking then i felt something on the back of my neck I feel drowsy and pass out before i pass out i hear muffled talking again. Shit

~2 hours later~

Bakugou POV: IM IN THE SAME ROOM AGAIN DAMNIT *hits wall* this time I'm in somewhere with no windows just a door.. maybe i could use my quirk. *starts heating up hands* I could pick lock if i only i had something to pick lock with... *starts to burn up the door* *kicks it open and makes sure not to make noises* I peek out I see a bunch of people in what seems like a living room I start to tip toe praying to god no ones see me but it didn't go as i planned. I hear someone say "I see our guest has a awakened" I shoot a glare I then say "LET ME GO ALREADY" "But whyyyy" he says whining like a kid "Shut up Izuku Midoriya your such a Moron why make up the most possible way for your hostages to escape " I reply "We'll I just wanted to see how trained you are.." He says smirking and walking towards me. "Don't come near me bastard" I say growling he doesn't  listen and keeps walking then goes behind me and whispers something in my ear My face heats up he smirk as his eyes glint as he grabs my waist "well meet our new member." 

Cliff hanger 😔 I'm continuing updating this because i actually like the concept also my book algorithm is so bad and my ~Man at the coffee shop is so messed up- ima re-write part one and not change the story plot so yuhh I'm so confused-

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