OMFG, He's Wearing Pink

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Three hours ago, I met a mute guy named Rocinante (He told me that using a pen and paper, of course). I saw him under the cliff near my hideout. I heard a loud crack of woods breaking and when I checked it, I found him hanging in the lowest tree. From the looks of things when I arrived, Ros (that's what I call him) must have fallen from the cliff and manage to survive somehow.

When I asked him the reason why he fell, he just shrugged and put the word 'slipped' on the piece of paper he had in his coat pocket. He slipped?

"You serious?" I asked and he nodded in return, "You're one hell of a slipper, then. Of all the places where you could choose to fall, you choose the highest and most steepest cliff available around here. You deserve a cookie."

With the mention of the word cookie, I heard his stomach grumbled. "Oh, so you're hungry huh? Even an idiot feels hunger too. Why don't you come with me back in my house and eat there?"

A|N: I had planned on making this a series Doflamingo X OC | Corazon X OC but I was out of ideas (as always lol).

Disclaimer: The Picture is NOT mine.

One Piece One-Shots DrabblesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang