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"I cant be cooped up in here all the time, I should be allowed to go out! To explore!"

        A red head sat on his knee's, his usual spiky hair brushed down so it laid past his ears. He wore a long sleeve button up shirt and black pants, a few of the buttons on the shirt undone to reveal his pale chest. He clenched onto the ground, staring up at the thrones that towered over him. On the thrones were the owners, who proudly sat on them. The king and the queen, his parents.

        "No, Eijiro. How many times do I have to tell you this?" The king sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose as he turned his head away from Eijiro.

        "I dont get why you want to leave so badly, you have everything you could possibly want darling." His mother added, with a flick of her wrist a large fan expanded, blowing air into the queen's face.

        "I dont have everything I could possibly want, I need my free will." Eijiro whispered to his parents, his voice basically begging the two to let him go outside those large castle doors. The king stared at Eijiro, shaking his head.

        "No. Its too dangerous. Once you're the ruler, once you're a father, you'll understand." The king said, he stood up, the long cloak he wore falling onto the floor. "Now if you excuse me, I have work to do." He kissed his wife's hand and nodded to his son, walking out of the room. Kirishima watched him, gritting his sharp teeth before he turned to his mother.

        "Mother please..you have to understand." Kirishima begged. His mother was his last hope, his father wasnt one to easily have his mind persuaded. Unless he was proven wrong with facts, he knew that his father wouldn't budge. His mother studied him before letting out a soft sigh.

        "I love you son, but I'm not going against your fathers orders. He told you no and that's that. Just dont be stubborn." The queen shook her head, flinging her wrist back. The fan closed and she stood up, walking towards the large wooden doors as well, her heels clicking. "I hope you know that we're doing this for your own good, we dont like telling you no. It's just that you can easily get hurt. I hope you realize this." His mother sighed softly, opening the door and walking out.

        Kirishima stared at the ground and slouched back, sitting on his knees. He kept silent, gritting his teeth some more before he slammed his fists onto the ground. "Dammit!" He yelled. He stared at the ground, clenching onto his pants. It isnt fair! Why does he constantly have to be cooped up in here!? He wants to explore, he wants to see whats out there. He wants to see what the world has to offer. He's tired of being babied. He shuffled up, heading out into the hall way, staring out the tall windows. The castle over looked the whole town, he always watched as the town's folks danced and laughed together.

        He wanted to join the fun, he barely has anyone to talk too. Everyone that lived in the castle usually was busy and had no intention to talk with Kirishima, no matter how much he tried to have a conversion. Even when others tried to talk to him his father would not allow it. He sighed softly, putting a hand on the glass. The world was so big-there was so much out there that he could see, that he could learn.

        Kirishima continued to stare out the window, the sun beamed down on his face. He then inhaled, turning and furrowing his eye brows, determination racing through his body. He had to leave-even if it was just for a day or two. He had to know what was out there beyond these walls. He raced up towards his bed room.

        He knew that it was going to be dangerous, he was ready to accept the fact that he might get hurt. But getting hurt left experience. If you fall down you just have to get back up again. He rather die experiencing just a little freedom then die being cooped up in a castle all his life. He was going to be king soon.

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