Four- Hayley

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In a hazy fog of confusion, I had suddenly become aware of a bright light. My arms seized against the restraints that were holding them down to the strange surface I was laying on. Straps were wrapped around my belly and legs, keeping me completely still for whatever the man above me was doing to me.

Squinting up at him, I gradually realized I hadn't been kidnapped. I wasn't in danger. The blond-haired, twenty-something man hovering above me had an EMT vest on. He had been shining a flashlight into my eyes to check my pupils, but now had moved on to reading my pulse, his fingers pressed delicately to my wrist.

I was in an ambulance. An altogether different kind of fear washed over me as I wondered what my family and friends would think when they found out what I'd done.

The hospital would hold me until they were sure I was no longer a risk to myself; that I wouldn't try something like this again. But suicide had never been the reason I'd picked up the razor.

I didn't want to die: I just couldn't bear to be in pain any longer. I needed it to go away, if only for a little while.

"You scared me, Hales." My head snapped toward the voice the second I heard it, and a crazy sense of relief rushed through me when I realized she hadn't washed her hands of me after all. Even after she'd found me bleeding on my bathroom floor, utterly broken.

No, she'd stayed. She was here. For the first time in a long time, the thought drifted across my mind: Maybe there was hope for us, yet.

"I'm s-" Her long beautiful fingers, decorated in tattoos, pressed gently against my lips, I quieted. The look in her eyes was one I hadn't seen since before she left. It was dark and dangerous.



Leaving no room for argument as to who was in charge now.

I'd always been submissive by nature, wanting to please everyone around me, often neglecting my own life in the process. But with her, I'd allowed her to take the lead. I let her take care of me. And a part of me wanted to turn that power over to her again.

Maybe then I wouldn't feel so broken.

"I didn't-"

"You need to save your strength right now, baby girl. When it's time to talk this out, we'll do that. For now, I want you to rest. Can you do that for me?" Her fingers wrapped around a strand of my hair, and she cradled my cheek with her free hand. I felt the heat of her intense gaze as it scorched across each detail of my face, never looking away, even as I struggled against her embrace. The EMT had turned his back on us to type something into his computer, so he hadn't noticed when I pushed out of Phoenix's hold. But she sure did.

Narrowing her eyes at me infinitesimally, she just shook her head and leaned in so closely that our mouths could have easily brushed together.

My chest quivered at the thought of kissing her again, even as my mind still clung to the anger and pain she'd left me with when she had disappeared from my life.

She'd been my life; my whole world for the two years that I was her submissive. Yes, we'd had a contract that she had every right to break, at any time. But I never thought she would. There was just this unspoken trust I had in her from the first time we met. Even though I'd known next to nothing about her life before she entered mine, I still trusted that she would never intentionally hurt me, not if she could help it.

Her honey-brown eyes lingered on mine, and even though I desperately wanted to look away from the hot desire and confusing emotions that I saw swimming in their depths, I couldn't. I couldn't look away, no matter how hard I'd tried.

Loving Phoenix (Impact Of Her Adaptation) GirlxGirlWhere stories live. Discover now