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The air was sweeter, Aone decided, when your dreams were coming true. She was one step further down the path of her father, and the best part is that she wasn't going it alone. 


The red-head turned in delight upon hearing her name chanted in unison by her two idiot best friends. "We did it! We did it, you two beautiful bastards!" Her arms went around both of their necks, each as excited as the others. "We should be calling you the bastard with the shit you pulled at the entrance exam!" Kirishima suddenly exclaimed, scowling at his now sheepish companion. 

"...Run!" With that, she snatched Denki's hand and bolted away from Eijiro, cackling without a care in the world.

They spotted class 1-A with ease, and instantly the three troublemakers snatched three consecutive seats in the back row. The rest of the class was idly chatting most excited at the prospect of starting the most important three years for their futures, others, specifically a dwarfish purple-haired bugger, discussing the size of Pro Hero Midnight's boobs. 

"If you're here to socialize and waste your time, I suggest you leave now." 

The voices mellowed to a halt, and in through the door came a yellow caterpillar. Wait, no--Aone squinted her eyes--it was a man...dressed as a yellow caterpillar? 

"It took you eight seconds to shut up. Man, I've really got my work cut out for me, huh." The man, who'd now emerged from what was a yellow sleeping bag, looked at his class in disinterest. He had long, unkempt black hair, with a thin stubble lining his sharp jaw, and heavy bags under what seemed to be a nasty case of dry-eye. His neck and shoulders were hidden by layers upon layers of a very long scarf, and the rest of his clothes was a baggy mess of black. Aone knew who this was. 

"I am Aizawa Shota. I will be your homeroom teacher for the rest of the year. At least, for those of you who manage to last 'til the end of the year. Put these on and make your way outside." Each student, although muttering curiously to themselves, picked up a gym uniform and left the class.

Aone had been changing and inspecting the material of her strip when she was approached by a few girls. "There is no way this is fireproof," she mumbled in distaste, only to be snapped out of it by coming face to face with a grinning, pink-skinned girl. "Hi, you're the one that scored the highest on the entrance exams right? The fireball?!" She was jittering with excitement, and consequently ended up gathering the attention of all the girls in the changing room. 

Aone flushed, but puffed out her chest in pride nonetheless. "That's right! Bakugo Aone, at your service~" A rather tall, definitely fit girl furrowed her brows, raising a finger in question. "Say, Bakugo, isn't that like--!" 

She was interrupted by the demanding yells of the boys outside, nearly breaking down the doors to get them to hurry up and emerge. The tall girl waved it off, seeing that Aone was no longer paying attention and instead sprinting hyperactively to join the rest of the class outside.

"A quirk apprehension test?!" The class was in outrage while the top three students just stood, indifferent to the words of their sensei. Momo had expected this, it wasn't a normal high school, after all. Bakugo just couldn't bring himself to care enough, and on the other side of the spectrum, Aone couldn't wait, since PE had always been her favorite class. 

"What about the welcome ceremony? The freshmen orientation?!" The tiny brunette piped up, panic evident on her features. "If you're going to become a hero, you have no time for such leisurely activities." Aizawa spoke, back still facing his students, and tone as flat as always. "UA's selling point is how unrestricted its school traditions are, that goes for their teaching as well." 

Fireborne (bakugou katsuki)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin