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The next morning came too fast, and the redhead thrashed in her bed, not wanting to leave her cocoon of comfort. A series of harsh knocks sounded on the door of her bedroom, and Aone groaned in reply. "Turn off your fucking alarm and get your ass up!" Her brother shouted, the tone and volume of his voice successfully ripping Aone from her limbolike state. 

She decided it was best not to go against his wishes for the days following last night, shuddering from the memory of his hour long lecture on staying safe and not pushing across her current limit. Nari had absolutely lost his shit when he saw her cracked and wrapped arms, face turning red as he redid her bloody bandages.

Stepping out of her home, Aone noticed a sheet of paper taped to her front door. She tore it off, reading the familiar chicken scrawl of her neighbor and best friend with ease.

"Mom had to leave for work early and offered to drive, see u in class, Kugo -- Eiji"

Aone rolled her eyes and muttered sourly to herself at her best friend's laziness. "Traitor." She crumpled the piece of paper and shoved it into her pant pockets. Aone had received both sets of uniforms to accommodate her quirk, and had a habit of alternating between each one.

The Oral Cigarettes filled her ears and she bopped her head to the music as she made her way to school. She soon began to regret the decision to walk on the nice day when her shoulder bumped into that of another. 

"Watch where you're going, idiot!" 

A terribly loud voice overpowered the song floating around in her head, and Aone looked up only to have her eyes connect with a pair of angry, crimson ones. "Aish, blondie, I didn't know you were so fragile that a bump to the shoulder would affect you so much." Rage seeped out of his harsh gaze and sparks flew from his palms. "Shut your fucking mouth, you damn extra, before I shut it for you!" 

Aone was getting riled up as well. 

"Hey! Who the hell do you think you're calling a fucking extra, you prat?!" Bakugou only clicked his tongue like he always does and turned around, deeming her not worthy of his time. Aone huffed, before a sly smirk slipped onto her features. She slipped her shoes off nonchalantly, gaining the attention of the explosive blonde in front of her as he stared at her in confusion. His brows furrowed further when she bent down and rolled up both legs of her pants, and it was only when her feet and shins were bare that she looked back up with mischief written all over her face. "What the fuck are you doing, you fre--ACK!" Bakugou yelled in surprise when his feet left the floor, and suddenly he was flying, a stinging erupting in his biceps where the girl's iron grip lay. Aone smirked and soared higher, pointedly ignoring his screams to let him down and fucking around with the boy in her arms. Her laugh pierced through the air, an unexpectedly melodic sound that stunned Katsuki for a few moments before he continued thrashing around in her hold.

A mob gathering outside of UA high caught the two teens' attention, and Bakugou stilled, allowing Aone to set him onto the ground. They shared a confused glance, but proceeded into their school anyway. Reporters swarmed them, asking rapid questions which all circulated around All Might being one of their teachers. "What do you think of All Might as your teacher? What is his approach?" A particularly pretty blonde reporter asked Aone, before she was shoved towards the red-haired girl and landed in her arms. Aone steadied the young woman, flashing her a boyish smirk. "Woah, buy me dinner first, baby." Aone flashed her canines charmingly and winked at the now blushing girl in her arms, before her companion scoffed and tugged her back by her scruff, dragging her in the direction of the gates. "Unbelievable," he muttered, shaking his head at her confusing antics. 'Was she gay?' Katsuki thought that very useful information, but even the thought of him finding it useful set him on edge. "Nani? Jealous?" No, she wouldn't tease him like this if she didn't get something out of it. Katsuki turned to her grinning face with a disdained one. "Yeah, I'm jealous that stupid people like you get it so easy in life." Aone laughed freely, finding his smart reply a bit refreshing from his normal screeching. "Whatever, you're just jealous that I've got game and you don't. Tell me, you're still a virgin, no?" At this blunt choice of words, Katsuki froze, almost shooting her an incredulous glance but quickly composing himself and scoffing. He snatched her bicep, tugging her inside of a janitor's closet so quickly that she doubted anyone could've noticed. He pinned Aone to the wall, his breath heavy with rage. He then saw the smug look on her features, and something inside him snapped.

"Why don't I fuck you and let you find out?"

For a couple of breaths, Aone was stunned. Her eyes went wide and her mouth hung open. So far, nobody she'd ever met could rival her fire with theirs, literally and verbally. And while the first one remained undefined, Bakugou definitely had the latter nailed.

Aone willed herself to snap out of it, eyes narrowing back to their natural, bored form. She blew a strand of hair from her face, acting as if what he said didn't affect her, but Katsuki wasn't stupid, he'd seen her reaction and the smugness that swelled in his chest almost overwhelmed his frustration with the girl. "I knew you had a thing for me, but sorry, you're not really my type." Aone slyly replied, disregarding the fact that what was spewing out of her mouth was total bullshit. At this, Katsuki only smirked. "Oh, really?" He breathed, his hand gripping her face and holding it in place before his lips forced themselves on her own. The redhead stilled, eyes wide in shock, but soon they fluttered shut and she melted into the kiss. His mouth moved hotly on hers, both of their overwhelming heat burning the other, yet leaving no trace on their perfectly compatible bodies. Bakugou's hand simmered as it imprinted on the wall beside her head, while hers fisted his jacket and seared burn marks in the shape of her slender fingers. Suddenly--abruptly--Katsuki pulled away, though it gathered perhaps all of his willpower to do so. He chuckled condescendingly at her blissed out gaze, tilting her chin upwards before breathing a set of words that snapped Aone out of her daze.

"Not your type, huh? Liar."

With that, the self-satisfied boy released his hold on her tanned face and left, letting the door shut behind him. 'What...the fuck...WAS THAT?!'

For the first time in her life, Bakugo Aone understood the saying, "you've made your bed, now lie in it."

After gathering her wits about her, the shaken girl steeled herself and exited after the blonde boy. Just as she entered, she heard her fellow red-haired best friend question about the prints on Katsuki's blazer. She faltered on her way to her seat, sincerely wondering whether or not the 'knock off' would expose their janitor closet encounter to the class, and almost breathed a sigh of relief when he passed it off as having fought with her on the way to school. "Honestly, Kugo, the one day I leave you to get to school alone, you pick a fight with our classmate." He scolded the sheepish girl, before gesturing to the marks. "And did you have to ruin his jacket?" Katsuki was satisfaction itself when Aone shot him a glare. "He was playing dirty," the fire in his eyes burned as brightly as the one in hers once they'd met. "That was retribution." 

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