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Ashley Smith felt as if she had a void in her life. She felt an unknown emptiness inside, which she believed couldn't be filled. It had always been there, just lingering in the background. But recently, the feeling had become overwhelming at times. She felt an incredible loneliness that never went away, even if she was with other people. This feeling confused Ashley. Alas, she never said anything. She was already viewed as the weird girl at school, and she didn't want to risk her reputation dipping lower than it already had.

The first day of the new school year was quickly approaching, and Ashley was dreading it. She didn't hate school, she hated the people within. Her peers either ignored her presence or bullied her. The teachers never did anything about it.  

 'To be expected from a shitty public school,' She thought. 

There were rumours of a new person joining the school. Usually, she'd hope with her whole heart that they'd become friends. But after a while, she ditched this fantasy as she came to realise what everybody thought of her. In this school, she was nothing but a freak.

She led in bed, staring at the ceiling, thinking about everything she had done wrong up until now. Eventually, her eyes closed and she fell into a deep, dream-less slumber.

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⏰ Last updated: May 03, 2021 ⏰

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