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Jason Gideon had quite the dilemma on his hands. Particularly in the files he held. He didn't know how many times he could make the same mistake before the UnSub over stepped his MO and killed a member of the BAU as promised the last time he had reached out to the LA police. These crimes were becoming more personal as they unfolded. Every new mutilated body promised a note carved into the victims palm. The UnSub was only growing more confident and far more vicious by the moment. The bodies were only piling up. 

There were no leads, no witnesses, no clues to who might be causing this streak of terror. There was only carnage and gore. The profile that the BAU had formed only lead them to a dead-end. They knew this killer was a heterosexual white male with a background in some sort of UnderGround crime or Organized Gang.

Gideon understood the complexity and horror of these crimes, but by choosing to do choosing to seek out help...what was that saying about the BAU as an establishment? He did not know how long it would take for the UnSub to go off script, he knew it was soon.

He had the photos from the crime scene and past photos pinned on the board in front of his desk, keeping it as a reminder how important this decision was. It would not be taken lightly. 34 kills would never be taken lightly.

"Gideon?" Agent Hotchner questioned, entering the office with a knock on the door, "The team is waiting."

"But they don't know yet."

"They are waiting to be told further instructions." His eyes landed on the file, "So am I."

Gideon sighed, letting the file drop onto his desk, several quickly snapped photos sliding out. A girl sitting at a bar, looking no older than 24. Her red fur coat stood out, engulfing her. The face was barley visible. The next photo was of the same girl, this time she was ordering at a coffee shop wearing red-bottom heels, cup covering her face. The next photo was a contrast to the ordinary first two: the camera was angled up into the window of a high apartment, inside the same girl could now be seen loading a rifle, face covered by a sheer white curtain.

"Aphrodite, last name unknown." Gideon introduced, sliding over the file, "Her father is the one and only Zeus Valentine."

"Zeus Valentine?" Hotch asked, caught off guard, "The head of the Greek Ares?" A quick nod from Gideon told Hotch all he needed to know, this family was bad news. "So what, you just plan on going into one of the most dangerous parts of the city demanding to speak with Zeus Valentine? That's not know this works, we do not work with criminals."

Gideon had already thought out all of the risks, all of the downsides. Along with that he had also thought out all of the pros to seeking out the help of the leader of the Greek Ares. If they got the consult Zeus Valentine on this case...they might actually get somewhere with it that did not involve a gory crime scene.

"How will you even get into contact? The Valentine family is reclusive." Hotch rubbed his temples, trying to make reason, "Gideon...if these guys get wind of us tracking them down-" Hotch's eyes were now on the board of victims, "We could be the ones at risk."

That was the least worrying part, "I am sure they will accommodate us." Gideon knew how nervous Hotch was. He understood the fear, he himself was feeling it. The team would most definitely reflect the same reaction Agent Hotchner was showing. A thrilling rush, no one knew what would happen next.

"Why would the Greek Ares allow a bunch of FBI agents to consult with them on a case that has no concern to them or their organization?" A challenge.

"Because years back Zeus Valentine reached out himself."


"Well, I found your girl." Garcia explained upon entering. There was something about the way she spoke...something different from her bubbly excitement upon a challenge. She seemed on edge about something, glancing back to the glowing screens behind her. "And what seems to be the problem?" Gideon asked, seeing nothing out of the ordinary about the monitors. 

"...It seems that as soon as I searched the name I must have tripped on some internet tripwire." She explained.

"And that means?" Agent Hotch questioned, arms crossed.

"It basically means that it alerted a desktop that the name was searched. Think of it as automated doorbell. I did a test to see if it was tracking my monitor, taking information, or downloading anything onto it- nada. Whoever set it now knows we were searching under the keyword list you gave me." Garcia swirled in her chair, turning back to face the monitors, "Your girl is smart." 

Her ringed fingers flew over the keys, far more skilled than any pianist. Files, searches, and images were pulled up on the screen in the blink of an eye and the few clicks of the keyboard. "There's what I got."

"Her name is Aphrodite Anthia Ares. She was born October 31st, 1981. That would make her 23, same age as Reid I'll have you know. She was enrolled in a private preschool at the age of 2, a smart cookie if you will, but she was randomly pulled out a year later. Ever since then she has been off the grid until...-"

"Two years ago she suddenly reappeared in the database. Our girl Ares got arrested under two chargers of assault with battery."

"What exactly happened?" Gideon asked. Garcia looked hesitant, vibrant pink lips becoming a thin line. "We don't know. The first time police found her soaked in blood at a dinner, apparently she just came in and started ordering as if nothing was wrong."

"So what, we could be dealing with some MPD or DID?" Hotch asked Gideon, who was shaking his head. "No, not yet. We don't know the full story. Garcia, what was the second time?"

With a few clicks Garcia pulled up an official looking police issued document, "The second time was a little over a year ago. She was at a supermarket and got into a tumble with an elderly woman over a few heated words, Ares was the one who held the most injury afterwards. Police have her report saying how she didn't know why the woman was upset and she didn't defend herself due to not wanting to injure the woman."

"Are we dealing with some sort of rage issue?" Hotch asked, notepad out. Gideon was hesitant to put anything down into the profile just yet, her actions were silent. He had a feeling they were calculated somehow. "Not yet Hotch. There is something superficial about her, her father might have planted these somehow."

"Do we have an address?" Hotch asked. Garcia shook her head, "Unfortunately not, same with a phone number."

"Good. They want us to play by their rules, so we will." Gideon smirked, the chase was on, "Call JJ, get the team together. Plan to make contact with Zeus Valentine by the end of the night. Garcia, work on finding anything you can on the Valentine family."

"On it."

"Are we sure this is the best call?" Hotch challenged. 

"This is the only thing we can do to prevent more deaths. All we can do is hope that they understand the intentions of our message." Gideon had made his choice, he would just have to hope that it was the right one.

"And we will have to hope and pray that Zeus Valentine is a forgiving man after what happened to his wife." Hotch muttered before waling out of Garcia's office. 

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