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Undeniably, even to someone who had seen most of the world, seeing the view was the best part of flying in the jet. Cotton candy clouds and freckles of blinding stars mixed into the midnight night composed the background outside the jet. Aphrodite liked to think that she would become one of those twinkling stars when she was murdered. She had already accepted that no natural death would be waiting for her when she closed her eyelids for the final time. It was most likely the end of a shotgun or the sharp threatening tip of the knife blade. 

She had prepared for her death since she was a young child. Her father would take her into his lap and explain the dire consequences of living their life. ...Then her mother died. Her father's death follower soon after. Her fate was set in stone.

As soon as she had taken over the Greek Ares her fate was already sealed with a violent stamp of blood red wax. The same could be said about any who associated with her.

Her mother had always told her stories as a child that the stars were her fallen ancestors that had made amends with the gods. By doing so they were promised to spot above the heavens and given afterlife. The thoughts of her mother being positive were scarce and rare. It was hard to cling on to the happy memories when there were so many negatives that she tried to suppress. Most of the time it was just better to forget the past than remember it.

Aphrodite turned her her face away from the splendid view of fluffy clouds brilliant blinding stars and the brilliant pitch black sky, tearing herself away from the increasing growing negative thoughts. Her seat was gray leather located in the back of the plane. Beside her she kept her briefcase that never left her. Inside of the briefcase several documents, blueprints and graphs could be found. Along with a selection of knives and other means of protection.

The private jet was small, but had enough space for roaming. It was one of her father's prized possessions. Normally they would have had to travel by car, but she decided they would take the jet instead to save time. The BAU had told her that they were on quite the time limit to crack the case.

"This idea of yours is mad." Rita snapped from her seat towards the front of the jet.

"It's not your business." Aphrodite snarled back, glaring up from the clipboard she had balancing in her lap. She had decided to take some time on the flight to work on the blueprints that she had been putting off for months. Each line had to be perfect, each marking must be accurate to the correct proportions of the building. Luckily she was able to remember every square footing and door located that she remembered.

Aphrodite's assistant was with her every step of the way when she had taken ownership of the Greek Ares. Planning and coordinating was her strong suit, with the added factor that she was brilliant with a lockpick. They had clashing personalities, so arguments often came up between them about foolish things with little significance. Rita Malovenskii was never seen without a notepad and a fitted blazer to match the sleek leather notepad cover. Her heels were always worn down at the tips and bottom from constantly being in Aphrodite's wait.

It was to be said that there never was a dull moment when working for Aphrodite. Whether it be diverting assassination plots or scheduling them, Rita had everything under control. She did her job well and she kept her head high, unlike those around her, Rita had earned respect from Aphrodite.

"I always knew you would go insane." Rita huffed. As soon as Aphrodite had told Rita of working with the BAU on a consulting case Rita had automatically said it was a bad idea. That was not her place to dictate the decisions that Aphrodite made.

"For the last time Ree, I have not gone mad, nor have not been bewitched by some negative energy- Gods hope I do, I could use a pick me up."

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