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[3 months later]

It had taken two months for Zeus Valentine to reply back to them, a month after that they planned. The BAU had made contact through a waiter at a restaurant who had a cousin who had shared a cell in prison with a close friend who was rumored to be in the lower ranks of the Greek Ares. After the contact had been made all they could do was hope for the best. 

"We can only hope luck is on our side with these maniacs." Morgan told the group in the car. Gideon and Morgan sat in the front while Reid and JJ were in the back of the SUV. The others were waiting at the coffee shop directly next to the parking building that lead into the warehouse they had been given the coordinates to, ready to move in as soon as they were given a code word or threat in their earbuds.

"Luck is the phenomenon and belief that defines the experience of notably positive, negative, or improbable events. Some would say that we didn't need luck, we need-" Reid began, but Morgan quickly steered him back on track, "We need to go over our plan of action. What we can expect is for them to know about us individually and also as the BAU. Zeus Valentine, according to the profile, will use this knowledge in small threats in order to make us feel smaller and at his power."

Gideon thought over this, the Greek Ares might know every single possible detail about their personal lives, they had to be prepared to remain at ease. They would be provoked and prodded no doubt. "It is important that we remain calm and controlled. Follow the orders they give us so we can speak to Zeus Valentine. Remember, we need their help." He quickly added, noticing their surrounding change into a gloomy street, "Expect them to know things about you, know that you will be challenged. Mentally prepare for that. Everything is a power struggle with gangs like these." 

The streets were grey and gloomy, and so were the people who walked on them. Workers, homeless, the less fortunate. "No matter what you do, Do not offend Zeus Valentine. We only know of his daughter as leverage and some sort of way to humanize him. Garcia stumbled over a tripwire when searching the daughter, so we must assume that he knows that we have been checking into her at this point." Morgan tells them, repositioning his shaded sunglasses. Reid sat quietly in the back, thoughtful. 

"What's going on back there boy wonder?" Morgan asked as they entered a parking garage. Reid looked up at him in amusement. "I was just thinking, all of the references to Greek Gods and worship... There has to be some matter of significance in that, doesn't there?"

"Yes. Zeus Valentine is a power hungry crime ring leader who likes to view himself as a god, above others." JJ explained, even she could connect the dots.

"Oh." Perhaps there there was something more, Reid seemed to think that way.

The car halted, parked. Two men in black suits and matching sunglasses approached the SUV. "Jason Gideon?" The bulkier of the men asked, his voice gruff and husky. Unlike Morgan, who had his hand resting on his gun that was strapped to his hip, Gideon was smiling kindly and showing no sign of threat. "Greetings gentlemen." Gideon greeted, stepping out when he second man open the car door for him, "I have an appointment." 

"They've been waiting for you for a long time Jason Gideon," The man's eyes fell on each of the others faces as he said their names, "Derek Morgan, Jennifer Jareau, and Spencer Reid."

"So you know our names, take us to Zeus Valentine." Morgan ordered, unimpressed. Gideon recovered quickly from Morgan's harsh tongue. The men smirked and chuckled as if seeing their demands lower than anything in the world, careless. "What my friend means is that we are very eager for our appointment." 

The men nodded, motioning to a door closest to them, letting out into the building attached to the garage. They walked in silence, down stairs, up elevators, and walking down long hallways. One would have thought that the body guards were trying to throw them off in their direction skills. At one point Gideon swore that his ears popped. "How big is your facility?" He asked the nearest man. 

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