Tony is Gone (But We Aren't)

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Desc: Morgan walks in on Peter crying, and they mourn together over their shared loss. Sadness and fluff ensue. Also Morgan struggles with pronunciation. Endgame spoilers!! Word count: 669

Tony was dead.

These words echoed through Peter's exhausted brain, a cruel mantra to a dim inner tune. Peter still couldn't believe it. He'd watched Tony slip away, seen Peppers tears, been at the funeral, watched his mentors heart float away.

But it didn't seem real. It felt as if any second Tony would slip through Peter's bedroom door, dry his tears, and make a joke about how it would take more than a giant grape to get rid of him. How he would never leave Peter alone.

Except, it had been a week and a half. Tony was still gone. Peter's heart was still torn in two. And he couldn't help but wonder if maybe he was cursed. Every father figure he'd ever had, gone. He curled into a ball, his bed creaking beneath him, fresh tears falling and staining the pillow. Grief rushed him anew, just as strong and sharp and aching as it was as he held Tony in his shaking arms and his sensitive ears heard the gentle, constant thud of Tony's heart stop.

Just as cold as when he learned that Tony had left his daughter, his beautiful little girl, behind with Pepper.

Tony deserved better than this.

A sob tore through Peter, more tears cascading down his wet face. The hole in his heart ached, reaching for an embrace he would never again know.

"I'm s-sorry Mis-mister Star-ark," Peter cried in a whisper. "I'm s-so so s-so-orry!"

A quiet creak startled Peter, his sobs coming to an abrupt stop.

"Peter...?" A soft voice called, the small figure tip toeing through Peter's now open doorway.

"M-Morgan?" Peter asked, sitting up and wiping the tears from his face quickly.

"You 'kay?" Morgan asked, walking up to his bed and looking at him with shining brown eyes.

"Yeah, I'm okay," Peter replied, forcing the shake out of his voice and turning on his bedside lamp. Light flooded the dark room, illuminating the her small face with a soft glow. "Everything's f-fine."

"Why 'ou cryin'?" She asked, climbing up into his lap.

"I wasn't—" Peter started, then paused. He sighed. "I just...miss your daddy."

Morgan nodded slowly, her look of concern shifting to one of sorrow. "Me 'oo."

Peter put an arm around her, another tear sliding down his cheek. Morgan leaned into his embrace, her eyes glistening.

"I miss d-daddy a wot," She whispered, her voice catching.

Peter hugged her tighter, pulling her shaking body into his own. "He l-loved you a whole lot, s-sweetheart," Peter kissed her head, a tear falling from his face and hitting Morgan's hair. "More than anything in the w-world."

Morgan pressed her face to his chest, letting out a sob.

And Peter clutched Tony's daughter, his...sister, and wept. He cried out all the sadness he'd been hiding away, all the pain he'd been trying to forget, all the sorrow no one else seemed to understand. And Morgan cried with him, because she did. She did understand, and Peter knew that for all the bad things that had come of Thanos and the Stones, Morgan Stark was one of the good ones.

As Morgan and Peter finally eased their cries, Peter dried his sisters eyes and smiled sadly at her. "I love you, Morgan," he said softly, the words feeling right as he spoke them.

Morgan beamed. "I wove you 'oo, Petey."

Peter gave her one last hug, then glanced at the clock.

"It's about time to get up, want to go see if your mom has anything for breakfast?" He asked her.

She nodded, grabbing his hand and leading him out of the room. As they began making their way down the stairs, Morgan paused.

"Petey?" She asked, looking up at him.

"Yeah, Mo?"

"Their your mummy and daddy 'oo."

Peter's eyes widened, joy radiating from his pained heart.

"Yeah?" He said softly.

"Uh huh!"

Peter nodded slowly, a bittersweet smile on his face. "Sounds perfect."

Oh hey look, I'm not dead! I will hopefully be posting more here, but ngl it kinda depends on how much motivation I can scrape together.

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