Peter Parker 5+1

541 8 4

Or: 5 Times Peter Confused the Heck Out of the Avengers (+1 Time They Understood Him Perfectly)

So yeah this is your typical 5+1. Fluff, crack, fun times with Peter and all that. The 4th one is an Avengers text fic cause the world needs more of those. Enjoy!


Peter fidgeted with his shirt, wringing the fold in the bottom corner of it, and bit his lip.

"You ready, Pete?" Tony asked, shooting him a grin.

"I-I dunno, Mister Stark," Peter replied nervously, looking down. "What if I say something wrong?"

"Don't worry, kid," Tony ruffled Peter's hair, the younger of the two giving the older an indignant squawk. "Just remember the intern cover story. Try to breath. Be yourself. They're going to love you!"

"Right," Peter took a deep breath, forcing himself to stop messing with his shirt. "Be myself. I can do that." He breathed out with a huff, and straightened his hunched shoulders.

"Good to go?" Tony asked.

Peter nodded shakily.

"Lets do this," Tony opened the door, revealing the Towers' living room. Inside it stood the Avengers. 

They were all there, minus Wanda and Vision who were on a well earned vacation, in all of their Peters-childhood-idols glory. Peter gulped. He could do this. All he had to do was just be himself. But oh geez was this scary.

"Hello, everyone," Tony greeted, giving his colleagues a little wave.

"Is this the intern you were telling us about?" Steve asked curiously, glancing at Peter.

"That he is," Tony replied, putting an arm around Peter. Peter smiled awkwardly. "Sharp as a tack, this one! Why don't you introduce yourself, kid?"

Peter wrung his hands, but stepped forward slightly, took another deep breath, and...

"My name is Peter with a 'b', and I've been afraid of insects my whole life."

They all stared at him, varying degrees of confusion on their faces.

"...Where's the b?" Sam asked, sharing a glance with Steve.

Peter's eyes widened comically. "There's a BEE!?"

Bruce startled.

"...I mean...In your name. Where's the b?" Sam prompted, concern written on his face.

"Are you all right, son?" Steve asked.

"Is there actually a bee?" Scott asked nervously, glancing around the room.

"You boys are hopeless," Natasha interjected. "Its a vine!"

"Ohhhhhh..." They chorused.

A pause.

"...Wait, what's a vine?" Steve questioned, confused.


Clint really, really shouldn't have eaten all those hot dogs. But they'd been so good, and there were so many of them, and everyone was just having such a good time, and—his stomach growled loudly, another wave of nausea rushing him. Nope. It was definitely a bad idea. And now he was paying the price by having to get up at—he glanced at his digital watch and sighed—3:30 in the morning.

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