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Sherlock laid in his crib at noon, staring boredom at the mobile. The nursery door creaked open and Moriarty walked in, moving to the crib and looming over Sherlock.

"You're supposed to be napping right now, Sherlock. You can either close your eyes and go to sleep like a good boy, or daddy's gonna give you some medicine to help you sleep." Moriarty singsonged. Sherlock frowned.

"Why should I?" He asked, looking glum. Moriarty put his arms on the bars and leaned over the rail of the crib, looking down at Sherlock.

"How about daddy reads you a story? Would you like that?" Moriarty cooed. Sherlock scoffed. Moriarty smiled and picked the detective up, carrying him to the rocking chair. He settled Sherlock in his lap and grabbed a book to read.

Sherlock squirmed and tried to throw himself out of the criminal's lap, but Moriarty just held him closer and tightened his grip.

"No no, little squirmy worm, you're staying with daddy. When you're asleep, I'll put you down for your nap." Moriarty said firmly. Sherlock growled in frustration. Moriarty shushed him and popped a soother in his mouth. Sherlock pouted but sucked in the soother, finding it calming. He was going to get out of here, no matter what it took.

As Moriarty read, Sherlock felt sleepier and sleepier. He could hardly keep his eyes open, and his head felt too heavy to hold up. He leaned against Moriarty and rested his head on his chest, ready to fall asleep at any moment. But there was something he needed to know. He opened his mouth and let the soother fall from his lips.

"What you said earlier... that was a lie, wasn't it?" He asked sleepily. Moriarty chuckled.

"Of course it was. How else would I get you to cooperate? You thought there was something in it for you, and you did just as I wanted." Moriarty said. He kissed the top of sherlock's head and retrieved a clean soother for him. 

Sherlock pursed his lips together to refuse the object, but in his sleepy state, Moriarty easily coaxed it into his mouth. "There there little one, go to sleep. That's a good boy." The criminal cooed, smoothing out Sherlock's hair. When he felt Sherlock slump against him, he stood and carried the boy to his crib, laying him down. Sherlock whimpered behind the soother, but calmed down when the stuffed dog and blankie were placed in his arms. Moriarty smiled and turned on the mobile and baby monitor, turning off the light and closing and locking the door as he left.


Mycroft sat at his desk, a glass of scotch in hand. He took a sip before getting back to work.

"Where have you gone, brother mine?" He muttered, flipping through the newspaper for the new week. Sherlock had gone missing two days ago, and there was no sign of his disappearance.

Mycroft sighed and ran his hand through his hair. As long as Sherlock was safe, the man could get himself out of whatever predicament he was in. At least, that's what the elder hoped.


At 1 o'clock, Sherlock woke up from his nap. As usual, he flexed his fingers in hopes that he could move. Yes. At least a little, but it was a start. His legs were still numb, but he could move his arms. He reached out to touch the mobile, but it was just out of reach.

"Aww, look at you, Sherlock. Such a curious little tyke, aren't you?" Moriarty said as he entered the room. He neared the crib and reached in to pick up Sherlock. He rubbed sherlocks back, swaying gently from side to side. He had one arm under sherlock's bum to help support him, but this caused the detective grief. "Uh oh, I think someone's  messed his nappy. Let's get you changed, little one." Moriarty cooed. He tried to lay Sherlock on the changing table, but the detective wouldn't stop clutching his shirt. The criminal chuckled. He moved sherlock's fingers off of him and set him on the changing table.

Sherlock's face turned hot and red. How had he... he was a grown man, wetting a nappy was bad enough, but messing one too?! He whimpered and started crying. He felt so helpless! He was Sherlock Holmes, for crying out loud!

"It's okay pal, we'll get you all cleaned up." Moriarty soothed. He changed Sherlock quickly and redressed him, then picked him back up and bounced him. Sherlock hiccuped quietly and buried his head in moriarty's shoulder. He just wanted this to end, it was too much to bear.

"Da... da..." Sherlock muttered, then froze. No! What was he doing? This was his arch enemy, he wouldn't be caught dead calling him daddy. Moriarty raised his eyebrows and looked down at his baby.

"What is it, little one? Are you trying to say something?" Moriarty teased. Sherlock tried to tell him off, but realized something was off. His tongue felt heavy. Moriarty removed the soother and Sherlock readied to say something, but all that came out was an upset gurgle. He glared at the criminal again. Moriarty smiled.

"Cat got your tongue, Sherlock? I know. Daddy gave you a bit of medicine after you fell asleep. You were still trying to talk like a grown up, so I helped you with that problem. It'll wear off after a few hours, but in the meantime, all you can do is coo and gurgle." Moriarty spoke softly. Sherlock began wailing again, and Moriarty bounced him. "And cry." The criminal added, popping the soother back in sherlock's mouth. He went to the rocking chair and sat down to calm his baby.

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